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Posts tagged as “workplace”

(Archive September 2016) Tattooed and Employed

By Holly Tata | Observer Contributor

With the ever-growing popularity of tattoos in American culture, it is not a stretch to say that you could run into more than a few tattooed individuals just by walking around campus. Before the “tattoo renaissance” of the 1980’s and 90’s, it seemed like having tattoos was reserved for bikers, criminals, and gang related activities. Now all kinds of people have tattoos, from blue collar to white collar workers. 

But while some of the negative social stigmas of having tattoos have steadily evaporated, there are some companies that have strict rules for tattoos in the workplace. This poses a problem to young students with visible tattoos, because even though they are fully qualified for the job of their dreams, if their future employers are strict with their dress code policies, they might be turned away. read more