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Posts tagged as “trans”

(Archive December 2017) Transgender Student Struggles to Find Family Acceptance

By Jennifer Lamontagne | Observer Contributor

Some people are born in the wrong body, lacking the parts they feel define them.  The struggle to become who you were meant to be can be a long, challenging road.

Michael Dean, age 20, a second year MWCC student, knows this struggle all too well.  Dean is trapped in a body that has never felt quite right and forced to live in secrecy, because his family would never accept their daughter as a man.  Dean is not allowed to live fully out in the open as the gender he feels he was born to be. read more

Every Time We Fall For It

A Trans Perspective on the 2024 Election

By Elysian Alder | Editor-in-Chief

“We’re sorry for the wait. We’re experiencing high demand for LGBTQ+ support and are connecting you to a national crisis counselor.” For many in the LGBTQ+ community, these were the harrowing words that greeted them when they reached out to the national suicide hotline on election night for support. And they weren’t alone.

The Trevor Project, a nonprofit dedicated to crisis intervention and suicide prevention for LGBTQ+ youth, reported a staggering — and deeply troubling — 700% increase in crisis contacts the day after the 2024 election, with election-related conversations spiking by 5,200%.  read more