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Posts tagged as “student center”

(Archive October 2017) A New Student Center!

Photos by Jennifer Lamontagne | Staff Photographer

“I am so blown away by the reception the new student center has received.”
“Every part is being used all the time.”
“I think it adds an element of college life that perhaps we didn’t have before.”

– President James Vander Hooven

(Archive April 2017) A Look at the MWCC Bemis Student Center

By Nick Cherico | Assistant Editor

In the fall of 2017, Mount Wachusett will officially unveil the Bemis Student Center. This student center will be a new space for students to do homework, play games, and hangout with their peers between classes.

According to Dean of Students Jason Zeleski, who has been leading this campaign for a new student center, the idea for the project started about two years ago with one question. That question was “how are students spending their time at the Mount?”

A feasibility study was conducted to give school officials an idea of what the campus may need to address certain student life issues. The results of the feasibility study were then taken and turned into feedback of what students like and don’t like.  read more

(Archive October 2007) Lion’s Den Renamed for Students

The Student Center in room 153 has a new name…The Lion’s Den! 

These students pictured below found plenty to do recently while hanging out in the Den, so check it out for yourselves and see what’s in it for you (keep walking past the bookstore and it will be on your right).

(Photos by Sandy Arsenault)