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Posts tagged as “resources”

MWCC’s Learning Success Center: A Free Resource Overlooked

By Princess Yeboah | Assistant Editor

Photo by Princess Yeboah

Correction 2/20/25: A previous version of this article stated that the LSC was a place for library research. Library research is strictly found through the Library which is a separate department from the LSC.

Mount Wachusett Community College’s LaChance Library Learning Success Center is a central resource to the campus community, but can be misleading to students of being strictly a tutoring center, which is totally not the case. Located near Trio and Student Support Services on the Gardner campus, and located near Enrollment Services on the Leominster campus, It’s a service that all students have full advantage of. Ranging from assistance to research papers, mathematics classes, print and digital resources, the list is endless. The Learning Success Center is not just for students who are struggling in classes, it is an invitation to the whole MWCC community to have special access to resources to better equip students for success inside and outside of the classroom. read more

(Archive March 2018) Health Services Office Provides Resources for Students

By Brianna Stevens | Editor-in-Chief

Diane King, Coordinator for Health Services at MWCC
Photo by Benjamin Richard

This flu season has seen a particularly aggressive strain, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Anne Schuchat, acting director of the CDC said in a telephone briefing for reporters, “This does not mean we’re having a pandemic, but it is a signal of how very intense the flu season has been. We may be on track to break some recent records.” But how can we prevent the spread of this virus if we constantly touch our face to wipe a runny nose?  read more

(Archive February 2018) MWCC’s “The Link”: Helping Recovering Addicts Pursue Their Dreams

By Timothy Whalen Jr. | Observer Contributor

Jonathan Marshall (left) and Ramsey Clayter (right) of The Link.
Photo by Timothy Whalen

As you approach room 193, across from the Life Long Learning Center, you’ll Notice a sign that reads “Stigma Free Zone,” as well as the name of the co-founders, Jonathan Marshall and Ramsey Clayter or the newest MWCC program called The Link.  

Mr. Marshall and Mr. Clayter, are helping students in recovery from substance abuse either enroll or re-enroll at Mount Wachusett Community College.  In doing so, helping to finally fill the void of, for lack of a better word, the “black hole” of programs, not only at MWCC, but in the entire nation, geared at the growing community of individuals in recovery. read more

(Archive April 2018) Resources for Students as Finals Week Approaches

Photo by Ben Richard.
Gretchen Gonzalez studying in the library.

By Lvov Mhyana | Observer Contributor

The most stressful time of the semester is coming right up. We all know it’s difficult to take care of yourself during this time, but there are a few things you can easily do to keep yourself healthy to improve your performance during tests, and improve your memory while studying. Here are some on-campus resources to calm your mind and get yourself more prepared for finals. read more