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Posts tagged as “Red Cross”

(Archive March 2018) Professor Donovan’s Donation Experience

By Christine Nelson | Observer Contributor

Imagine getting pricked by a needle and giving the experience a favorable rating. Dan Donovan, a professor in the Computer Science Department, recently participated in the Blood Drive and described the experience as “fabulous.”

Donovan said, “I don’t have obvious veins, so they often really prick me up. Here they are real pros; I like to have a pro doing it.” Donovan has been donating his blood for twenty years. 

A senior citizen, Donovan donates to get the excess lead out of his blood and to help someone in need. And it is convenient for him as he lives in Sterling. read more

(Archive March 2018) A Blood Drive Experience: Part II

By Elizabeth Jones | Observer Contributor

This is the third blood drive Linda Vaildulas has attended, the first two being in Ashburnham and Winchendon. 

Vaidulas explained the process she went through. Once she walked in, the nurses took her name and handed her a pamphlet with all the requirements to donate blood. 

After she finished reading, they prepped her by cleaning the area. The nurse then found the best vein and marked it with a black dot. Finally, they insert the needle to start taking blood. Afterwards she sat down for a few minutes in a snack area to prevent fainting. read more

(Archive March 2018) A Blood Drive Experience: Part I

By Zachary Pavlosky | Observer Contributor

In an act of kindness and good spirit, Massachusetts resident Linda Vaidulas donated blood at the Blood Drive event recently held at Mount Wachusett Community College.

It was her third time donating blood and her first time doing so at The Mount. When asked why she was donating blood Vaidulas responded, “It’s an honor to donate. There are people out there in need of blood.”

Vaidulas talked about the requirements for donating blood. Potential donors are asked if they have visited foreign countries, have a low amount of iron in their blood and their sexual orientation. read more

(Archive March 2018) Mobile Unit Assistant Travis James

By Alexa Nogueira | Observer Contributor

An American Red Cross “Blood-Mobile” mobile blood donation center
Photo courtesy of The American Red Cross

Travis James is a Mobile Unit Assistant who has worked with the Red Cross for seven years, assisting at mobile blood drives. Most of his job consists of handling blood by putting it on ice so that it stays fresh and transporting it to labs so that it can be tested.

On a typical day at the blood drive, James expects to see about 30 people, although that number can fluctuate based on weather conditions or the common fear of needles and donating blood.

When asked what advice to give to people who are afraid to donate, James said, “Don’t knock it ‘til you try it.” He suspects that the most common reasons people don’t donate blood are because they’re anemic, afraid of the needle, or afraid of how it will make them feel afterwards. read more

(Archive March 2018) Blood Drive at the Mount

By Ayana Brodeur-Edmonds | Observer Contributor

The Health Services Department partnered with the American Red Cross recently to hold a donation event called the Bloodmobile. At this event, people donated their blood to the American Red Cross either by appointment or as a walk-in. MWCC nursing student, military veteran and mother, Erin Jones, recently donated her blood at this event and shared her experience. Jones said that the wait time for a walk-in is very quick, and it only took her ten minutes to get in. Since she gives blood quickly, Jones finished her walk-in appointment in only five minutes and twenty seconds. Everybody donates at their own pace, though.  read more