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Posts tagged as “profile”

(Archive February 2018) Student Pursues Glass Blowing Career

By Kayla Blackwell | Observer Contributor

Photos by Jennifer Lamontagne

Miles Roache is a student at MWCC who hopes to pursue a career involving glassblowing.  Currently in his second year, he plans to earn a business certificate so he can open a shop to sell his work.

Roache began blowing glass in the seventh grade after his father took him to meet a torch worker at an art studio. “I realized this was my passion when I was left alone at the torch to make my own art and realized that my only limits were my imagination,” Roache said. read more

(Archive February 2018) Dental Hygiene Program Offers Cleanings and X-rays

By Michele Walsky | Assistant Editor

Mouth feeling fuzzy? The Mount Wachusett Community College’s dental clinic in Fitchburg offers free dental cleanings and x-rays. 

First year hygiene student, Renee Tenney, was on Gardner campus recently collecting a check for their Crest fundraiser and was kind enough to demystify the dental program, which is often an unseen entity.  According to Tenney, sophomore hygiene students thoroughly clean teeth and gums while performing an overall health assessment as part of their clinical lab.  read more

(Archive November 2017) The Hiking Club, as Explained by Advisor Nancy Regan

By Michele Walsky | Observer Contributor

Photo by Andrea Schafthuizen

“Don’t worry, be happy. Climb Mount Monadnock!” is the advice Nancy Regan, health services clerk and hiking club advisor, suggests to students battling anxiety and stress. It doesn’t have to be mountains; walk, run, bike or go to the gym. According to Regan, technology has sprouted a nature-deficient society, so her philosophy is to just get out and start moving. 

Regan endorses the endorphin high, that feel-good hormone released after any type of exercise. This natural mood booster improves mental and physical health—and it is free! She reported having hiked with a headache and having it disappear by the time she descended. read more

(Archive November 2017) Club Spotlight: Creative Writing Club

By Rachel Aster | Observer Contributor

Photo by North.jvta

While college is a stressful time of learning and studying, a lot of students find stress relief by letting their creative side flow. The Creative Writing Club has been an outlet for students since the 1970’s at the Mount. All students are welcome to attend events such as Open Mics and submit their written works to be published in the Club’s yearly magazine. 

The club consists of 2-4 students who edit the magazine and put on a few events each year. Along with the core editors, everyone is welcome to join the meetings which are every other Monday, as of Oct 23, at 12:30 p.m. in room 071.   read more

(Archive November 2017) Club Spotlight: Math Club

By Randy Streeter | Observer Contributor

Image by Peter Valberg

After a one year hiatus, the math club is back again. The club meets every other Thursday at 12:30 in the physics and engineering lab on the 3rd floor. 

The club is mainly made up of physics and math majors who discuss math concepts as it applies to their major. The mission statement of the club is to promote the enjoyment of mathematics through creative exploration and outreach to the community.

The club is also involved in the American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges mathematics league. Through the AMATYC they take a test once a semester and compete against other two year colleges across the country. Professor Ken Takvorian helps facilitate the test.  read more

(Archive November 2017) Local Firefighter Gives Advice to Students & Young Adults

By Lvov Mhyana | Observer Contributor

U.S. Air Force photo by Todd Cromar

Pete Gamache, 33, a former MWCC student, has been a firefighter for 13 years at the Gardner Fire Dept. He wants to raise awareness of early addiction in Gardner and how to avoid common accidents among college-age adults who are new to living by themselves or driving their own cars.  

“Accidents happen every day, in the home, in vehicles, and at work,” said Gamache. “Most of the time it’s caused by just a second of losing focus, such as driving, when we are walking down the stairs, or chopping a potato for dinner. It only takes a few seconds of a lapse of judgment to change the rest of your life. Stay in control as much as possible and you will avoid many accidents.”  read more

(Archive November 2017) Profile: Maureen Provost and the MWCC Garrison Childcare Center

By Michele Walsky | Observer Contributor

A streak of orange and black flutters outside the Garrison Education conference room, attracting Professor Maureen Provost’s attention for a moment and she’s pleased. Planting a bush to entice butterflies is exactly the kind of open-ended lesson plan the Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education is teaching at the Mount Wachusett campus.

Happy shrieks ricochet off the playground, but the Garrison Childcare Center is far more than a daycare. It is headquarters for the Early Childhood Education and Elementary degree program, a classroom with hands-on experience with Provost at the helm. More importantly, it is a place where preschoolers bloom. “Children are egocentric so we let children steer the curriculum,” Provost said, whose unofficial title is “Glitter Slinger.” read more

(Archive May 2017) Student Uses Military Experience at MWCC

By Jennifer Ballou | Observer Contributor

When it comes to the military, most people think of jobs like radio tech, engineer, or mechanic. For Alan Knesek, his job was something completely different: a photojournalist.

Now 35, Knesek’s career with the Army Reserves began after Christmas his senior year of high school. “I didn’t know what to do,” he said. “So, I followed in my father’s footsteps. He was a Lieutenant Colonel when he retired.” Since he was under 18, he had to get waivers signed by his parents allowing him to join the Reserves. Knesek spent the first four months doing drill, all while finishing and graduating from high school. read more

(Archive May 2017) Kenyan Student Shares What it is Like Being From Another Country

By Deidra Brown | Observer Contributor

Brenda Nyariara

Brenda Nyariara, 20, nursing student at MWCC, shared her experience on moving to the United States from Kenya. Nyariara recalled noticing drastic changes in culture and education here in the U.S.
“I was excited,” Nyariara said as she explained how she felt about her big move. Around 2 years ago, at the age of 18, Nyariara made the decision to move to the United States to finally join her mom, who moved here 7 years ago.

During the first weeks of Nyariara’s life in the U.S., she immediately recognized the difference in culture. When asked how the culture is different in the U.S., she responded, “The way people think. In Kenya, it is more traditional. The people are more grounded and conservative. There is more freedom here (U.S.).” read more

A Tribute to Ann Reynolds: An Unsung Hero at Mount Wachusett Community College

By Emily Jamieson | Observer Contributor

Photo from LinkedIn
Ann Reynolds

As a student at Mount Wachusett Community College (MWCC) since the spring semester of 2020, I’ve had the privilege of experiencing firsthand the invaluable support offered by a remarkable staff member—Ann Reynolds. Ann’s unwavering dedication and advocacy for students, especially parents like myself, has been the cornerstone of my success. Her efforts have not only helped me overcome significant challenges but have also made a lasting impact on my journey toward earning a degree. read more