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Posts tagged as “Peru”

(Archive March 2018) Service Learning Will Sample Sustainable Living in Peru

By Michele Walsky | Assistant Editor

Shelley Errington Nicholson, Mary Remillard, Rachel Vargeletis work in the garden
Photo courtesy of Julie Cronin

Go to college and see the world!  It may sound like a pipedream but for those involved in the Cultural Engagement and International Service Club’s expedition to Cusco, Peru, it is reality.

Nine students and one anthropology professor will join Brewer Center Director Shelley Nicholson, and Associate Dean of Students Greg Clement, for a nine day trip in May. Previously soaking up Costa Rica culture twice, a change of scenery and the chance to see one of the Seven Wonders of the World—the Incan ruins of Machu Picchu— were the main reasons for choosing a different destination, the coordinators said. read more