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Posts tagged as “Otaku United”

(Archive February 2018) Club Spotlight: Otaku Club Donates and Educates

By Julissa Marte Mendez | Observer Contributor

The Otaku Club made an appearance at the annual Winter Welcome Back Fair.
Photo by Benjamin Richard

Otaku United Club at Mount Wachusett Community College is opening the door for children’s education by holding a charity to give books to children in local schools. A “book for every child” allows a child to have a quality book for free.

The club gets together collecting donations to hold a silent auction. In April, participants put their bids on a piece of paper. Cohen said it is similar to eBay, but on paper, where the highest bidder is allowed to take the item home. read more

(Archive May 2017) MWCC’s Anime Club Attends Anime Boston

By Micah Clark | Observer Contributor

A group of costumed people gathered for a photo.

Taking place at the Hynes Convention Center adjacent to the Prudential Center near Back Bay station in Boston, Anime Boston is an annual spring event that members of MWCC’s Anime Club attend. According to its website, Anime Boston is the largest anime convention in Northeast America and in 2016 this convention attracted 26,975 people. 

An advertisement sign for Anime Boston above the entrance to the Hynes Convention center.

Multiple stories tall, this convention site each year houses many discussion panels where relevant topics are discussed, as well as several vendors halls where people purchase goods ranging from Japanese animation shows and movies known as ‘Anime’, Japanese comic books called ‘Manga,’ costume supplies, and various other assorted merchandise, like art and clothing. read more

(Archive April 2017) Anime Club Prepares for Boston Trip

By Micah Clark | Observer Contributor

Once a year, Mount Wachusett Community College’s anime club ‘Otaku United’ organize the club’s trip to the ‘Anime Boston’ convention (March 31-April 2 this year). It takes a lot of planning and organization to run this club about Japanese animation and its yearly adventure to Boston. 

“It’s a lot of work for most of the semester but the payoff is worth it,” said Rebekah Cohen, the treasurer. It takes a team to run the club with different officers with different duties. The club president oversees making sure everybody does their job and schedules events like bake sales to raise money for club activities.  read more