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Posts tagged as “music”

(Archive March 2016) Shorthand Reviews

By Patrick J. Miller | Observer Contributor

In each “Shorthand,” I will cover multiple songs and talk briefly about each of them, all tied to a theme. This month’s theme is “Early Beatles Edition.”

“Love Me Do”
Lennon/McCartney – Non-Album Single [17 (UK)/1 (US)] – 1962.10.05 [UK]/1964.04.27 [US]
“Love Me Do” works as a really simple song that does not need any sort of encryption in order to find a deeper meaning but it would be overshadowed by almost everything else The Beatles would release in the future. [5/10] read more

(Archive February 2016) Pink Floyd’s The Travel Sequence Track Review

By Patrick J. Miller | Observer Contributor

“On the Run” could be one of the more uninteresting pieces of the Pink Floyd album “The Dark Side of the Moon.” Written by Roger Waters and David Gilmour, it is a composition that was created by entering an 8-note sequence into an EMS Synthi AKS synthesizer and speeding it up with a white noise generator creating the “hi-hat” sound effects. Originally recorded in January, 1973, the song feels more like an experimental piece than an actual finished song. While I get the meaning of this song intending to be representative of travel pressures, as well as the fear of death at any point, I just kind of don’t get this song at all. At the very worst, it is just “there.” The overall composition feels a bit underwhelming overall, even considering what its original genesis was one year earlier. read more

(Archive May 1, 2011) Song Review: “Judas” by Lady Gaga

By Sam Ingemie | Observer Reporter

Lady Gaga’s highly anticipated second single “Judas” off her new album Born This Way, was leaked to the internet April 14, just 4 days shy of its original release date. Regardless of the leak, Lady Gaga did not disappoint.

In “Judas,” Gaga treads in familiar territory with a fast-pace, huge beat, and insanely catchy dance tune. It is not, however, some substance-less song that is only good to dance to. “Judas” maintains a deeper meaning throughout the song, another strong point of Gaga’s. read more

Review: Four Year Strong’s Brain Pain

Worcester band showcases their evolving musical style 

By Nicholas Papini
Assistant Editor 

Image copyright Four Year Strong and Pure Noise.

The album artwork for Four Year Strong’s sixth album, Brain Pain.

Worcester native band Four Year Strong’s newest album Brain Pain is their best since Enemy of the World in 2009.

Brain Pain is the band’s sixth studio album and it oozes authenticity in both the sound and lyrics of the songs. Like the album title nods to, the music deals with heavy mental issues such as depression, anxiety, and identity crises. Pop punk as a genre is no stranger to emotional music, but Four Year Strong brings new angles to the genre with each of their albums. read more

(Archive November 2016) A November to Remember for Metal Fans: November Music Preview

By Jason D. Greenough | Web/Social Media Editor

The temperatures may (finally…possibly) hit freezing, but the metal is burning hot! November 2016 is sure to bring any metal fan a few moments of bliss.

Want to get away from the awkward family get-together? Need something to keep you awake before you go shopping on black Friday? With retrospective releases galore, ranging from Queen’s …On Air: The Complete BBC Sessions, and Pink Floyd’s The Early Years: 1965-1972, to REM’s Out of Time  celebrating it’s 25th anniversary with a re-issue, and Soundgarden’s Badmotorfinger, you’re pretty much all set. But, I have a few other suggestions as well…

For all the hair metal misfits, Bon Jovi is back with their second album in just over a year, This House Is Not For Sale, due out November 4th, and I can honestly say that, to me, it is a sign that Bon Jovi is back. With as much as grit and riff rock as Slippery When Wet, but as much personal discovery and uplifting as Have a Nice Day, Jon Bon Jovi further cements his rightful place among the best songwriters and musicians in all of rock history. While Richie Sambora is AWOL from this studio effort, the New Jersey quintet didn’t skip a beat in creating one of their best records since the turn of the century, and I know I won’t be disappointed, and I have a feeling that, if JBJ is your jam, you won’t be either!

While Bon Jovi & Co. tucks you into bed, Metallica is under your bed, waiting for you to fall asleep. With Hardwired…To Self-Destruct on the horizon, the Bay Area Thrash vanguards have blown me away with their first two singles featured on the album (“Hardwired” & “Moth To Flame”), and it just makes me wonder how much more they have in store when the album hits shelves on November 18th. It was no secret that many metal fans, and even those who eat, sleep, and breath Metallica were not too enthused by 2008’s Death Magnetic, so you could probably assume that the Rock n’ Roll Hall-of-Famers knew they had to redeem themselves with their first full-length EP in 8 years. And you know what? So far, it has blown my mind as much as it has the speakers in my headphones.

Nikki Sixx, legendary bassist for Motley Crüe, and founding member of Sixx:A.M., is going to have a busy month in November!

Although Crue’s 35-year career came to a close at the end of last year, the full-length feature DVD documenting their final concert, Motley Crüe: The End Live in Los Angeles, is set to make its way to the masses on November 4th as well, and a limited edition version seeing daylight on November 25th. Also on Sixx’s plate is the release of Sixx:A.M.’s Prayers For The Blessed: Vol. 2, dropping on November 18th, a follow up to their smash hit Prayers For The Damned. A tour to support the new release will also bring them to Worcester’s DCU Center on November 25th, in case you really dig it and want to see it played live!

November is sure to be a great month for music, and if you wind up picking any of these up, be sure to let the Observer know what you think!

(Archive November 2016) Living Out a Dream

Local Man tours with Pop Artist

By Tyler Morgan | Observer Contributor

Traveling across the United States on tour with a popular musician is something not many people can say they have done. The rock star lifestyle is not fit for many, especially with what goes on from day to day while traveling from state to state.

Imagine not being able to take a shower for over a month while being stuck on a luxury tour bus traveling around the U.S having the time of one’s life? For Travis Collier, 21 a graduate of North Middlesex High School in Townsend, the time spent touring was well spent. read more

(Archive October 2016) Pumpkins, Pop-Punk, and Prog-Rock: October Music Releases!

By Jason D. Greenough | Web/Social Media Editor

Break out the sweaters, ghost stories, and your best pair of speakers, because this fall is going to be ushered in by some of the most highly anticipated albums of 2016!

While the summertime was graced with a one-two pop-punk assault, seeing the returns of two of the genre’s most adored giants, with Good Charlotte’s Youth Authority and Blink-182’s California, and a triumphant attempt at Rock redemption for the Red Hot Chili Peppers with The Getaway, October will welcome a more diverse herd of music, allowing fans of almost every mainstream genre to submerge themselves into rock n’ roll bliss.

While releases from hair-metal mainstays Bon Jovi and Twisted Sister’s Dee Snider make their way to shelves later in the month, and a truckload of historic re-issues from rock titans like David Lee Roth, Phil Collins, and Carlos Santana land in stores, there are two albums I am especially excited to see released. The first of which is Alter Bridge’s The Last Hero, the fifth addition to their 12-year catalog, dropping on October 7th.

Why am I excited for this album? Two reasons. The first being that I was not a huge fan of Fortress, the band’s previous album. Personally, I feel Fortress lacked that signature Alter Bridge determination and drive, accompanied by the recycled Alter Bridge sound. It was too cookie-cutter for me, if you will. The second reason is because it is politically fueled, and in a time where we might need more awareness brought to the forefront by alternative means like music, poetry and other art forms, this is a perfect them to write a record around. The first single off the album “Show Me a Leader” is, while not directly pointing fingers at specific government officials, showcasing the band’s frustrations with the circus on Capitol Hill. The singles off the record, which also includes the anthemic “My Champion”, shows growth in Alter Bridge’s musical arsenal, while also incorporating what worked best on their previous four efforts. I would suggest Alter Bridge to anyone who asked, but I can’t stress this enough…if you are a fan of prog-rock, and you somehow haven’t heard of Alter Bridge, or have heard them and wasn’t a fan, I urge you to take a gander at this album is on shelves.

Also dropping on October 7th was the record I have been waiting for since my senior year of high school, and definitely the album I was anticipating the most this fall. Green Day’s Revolution Radio is, by many regards, a comeback for the East Bay kings of pop-punk. It was no hidden reaction that the Uno!, Dos!, Tre! Trilogy was a letdown in many ways after its release in 2012, with the goofy lyrics, bubble-gum riffs, and all-around feeling of the production being rushed watering down its overly-anticipated release. But the announcement of Revolution Radio came as a refreshing drink of ice-cold pop-punk Gatorade by serving up the record’s first single, “Bang, Bang!”, which I can only describe as the product of Dookie and American Idiot making a baby, with its Gilman Street-rooted inner-rage and political outrage busting through the seams from the very beginning. The second single, the title track, is a bit more reminiscent of the 21st Century Breakdown sound, but still packs a punch when it comes to being enraged at the current state of political vanity. To say I was excited for this album is a gross understatement, and picking it up the day it came out was like Christmas for me.

October is sure to bring back many lifelong fans for many different bands, but these releases will surely also bring a new wave of fans, continuing the legacy of each group for even longer than some of us expected. And get this…November is already shaping up to be just as good for music lovers!