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Posts tagged as “Hilary Clinton”

(Archive November 2016) What Now?

How to Accept the Election

By Jamie Parker | News Editor

Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election last Tuesday, November 8th.
Photo courtesy of Michael Vadon

Our country is going through a major shift right now. The results of Tuesday’s election have left about half of the country with a feeling of defeat, and even fear, while the other half is left with the feeling of exuberance. Regardless of your feelings towards the decision made, this is the reality. On January 20th 2017, Donald J. Trump will become the 45th President of The United States of America. This is the most important time for our country to come together and show the world that we ARE the “United” States of America.  read more

(Archive November 2016) Donald’s Idiocy Trumps Hillary’s Unlikeability

By Jason D. Greenough | Web/Social Media Editor

Let the record state that I am not writing this as an endorsement of Hillary Clinton. While I will be voting for the Democratic front-runner this November, I think I should clarify that I am not a huge fan of Clinton, given her tactics during the primary season against Bernie Sanders. 

Needless to say, I still love Bernie and still do believe that it should be him up at the podium destroying the Republican front-runner instead of Clinton. I use “destroy” in this context like Clinton is doing the unthinkable. It’s a bar that is pretty damn low, if you ask me. And Trump’s inability to be a cooperative human being is making me fall in love with Hillary all over again. read more

(Archive March 2016) Sexism vs. Reality: It’s Not Sexist to Vote Against Hilary Clinton

By Jason Greenough | Arts & Entertainment Editor

It’s primary season, as you know, and the Presidential race is becoming more and more vibrant and intense as the days pass by. By the time you read this, Bernie Sanders has already won New Hampshire, and Hillary Clinton claimed the victory in Iowa by a margin of less than 1%. Also by the time you read this, you will have seen a mix of primaries and caucuses in 20 other states and provinces, thanks to Super Tuesday.

That’s not all you will see, however. Be prepared to see mud flinging like never before, as candidates will scratch and scramble to garner votes to retain viability in the race for the White House. One candidate I would like to point out as a strong force in this mud-slinging is the once well-respected Senator from New York and former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. read more

(Archive November 2016) DNC and Clinton Campaign Caught in Alleged Illegal Activity

Investigative Tapes cause Two Democratic Operatives to Lose their Jobs Just Days Before Final Debate

By Rebekah Chiasson | Assistant Editor

An anti-Hillary Clinton promotional decoration prior to the release of O’Keefe’s video.

Democratic operative, Robert Creamer, stepped down from his position at Democracy Partner and Scott Foval was fired on October 18, just two days before the third and final presidential debate, due to the release of an undercover investigative video from James O’Keefe.

O’Keefe’s Veritas Project, a non-profit dedicated to uncovering dishonesty, corruption, waste and fraud in public and private cooperations, released its latest investigative video project claiming illegal activity from the Clinton campaign. MWCC student and Trump supporter, Jack Korman says, “Honestly, I don’t even care about Creamer and Foval, I am more worried that the mainstream media is barely covering it.” read more