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Posts tagged as “Goomba’s”

(Archive November 15, 2011) Review: Goomba’s Pizzeria

By Jillian Richard | Observer Contributor

Goomba’s Pizzeria
Photo by Cheyne Ordonio

Goomba’s is a Pizzeria located in Fitchburg right outside the T station on Main Street, a convenient location for any hungry person. Many students that attend the Gardner campus take the bus that goes to and from the Fitchburg station.

Goomba’s has a huge selection and variety of food to offer. They offer everything from pizza to wraps to deserts. This menu was screaming Italian all over. Perfect pizza pies lined up in a glass case as you walk towards the drinks and napkins make your mouth water if you haven’t been there before. For a hungry student this is a great stop to make if you want something that will fill you up. read more