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Posts tagged as “faculty”

(Archive November 2017) Profile: Maureen Provost and the MWCC Garrison Childcare Center

By Michele Walsky | Observer Contributor

A streak of orange and black flutters outside the Garrison Education conference room, attracting Professor Maureen Provost’s attention for a moment and she’s pleased. Planting a bush to entice butterflies is exactly the kind of open-ended lesson plan the Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education is teaching at the Mount Wachusett campus.

Happy shrieks ricochet off the playground, but the Garrison Childcare Center is far more than a daycare. It is headquarters for the Early Childhood Education and Elementary degree program, a classroom with hands-on experience with Provost at the helm. More importantly, it is a place where preschoolers bloom. “Children are egocentric so we let children steer the curriculum,” Provost said, whose unofficial title is “Glitter Slinger.” read more

(Archive April 2017) Adjunct Professor Gets Master’s Degree Working and Parenting Full-Time

By Jennifer Ballou | Observer Contributor

Laura Rosmond

Going for a Master’s degree while teaching high school, and with three young children at home, is not something that many people would consider doing. But for Laura Rosmond, she did what she had to.

When Rosmond was young, she had big dreams of being able to go into the medical field and find the cure for AIDS. Medical technologist, nurse, aide, whatever it took, she was going to solve the world’s biggest problem.

But life happens, and Rosmond had her first child before attending college. She made the sensible decision to put the plan to cure AIDS on hold and make sure that her family was taken care of first. She decided to still go into biology but realized that if she couldn’t solve everything, maybe she could help teach others so that they might.  read more

(Archive March 2017) Professor Elmer Eubanks’ Background

By Scott Mellecker | Observer Contributor

Professor Eubanks could possibly be the most interesting man in the world. 

He is a professor here at the Mount and teaches business courses. He had a long road before he came to MWCC. “I for sure had my own peaks and valleys,” said Eubanks.

Eubanks was born in Costa Rica, where he often goes on vacations to visit his family. At a young age, he bounced around from Costa Rica to Columbia. After spending a few years in Columbia, he moved to Guatemala in 4th grade. “When I thought my family was all finished moving we then ended up in Nicaragua when I began high school,” states Eubanks. read more

(Archive November 2016) Shivers Trembles with Uncertainty About Trump Presidency, Remains Hopeful

Can We Persevere? Yes We Can-dace!

By Jason D. Greenough | Web/Social Media Editor

For some, it has been a tough week following the Presidential election. The atmosphere surrounding the results that brought Donald Trump into the position of commander in chief has been filled with varying amounts of fear, anger, sadness, and uncertainty, throughout different demographics of the American populace. 

Here at MWCC, Students and faculty alike are trying to sort through their own feelings on the events that transpired on November 8th, with some feeling what they can only equate to grieving, others feeling frustrated and perplexed at how their country has come to this, and others who are cautious, yet hopeful, that the 45th President of these United States will change his ways from the behavior we have witnessed throughout the last 18 months. Candace Shivers, Associate Professor of Human Services and Sociology here at the Mount, has something to say about the effect that a Trump presidency might have on college students, such as commuting costs. read more

(Archive November 2016) Michelle Valois Says Raise Taxes on 1%

By Rebekah Chiasson | Assistant Editor

Just one day before the election, Democrat and professor at MWCC, Michelle Valois feared internal conflict within our nation if Trump were to be elected. According to ABC, CNN, USA Today, her fears came true with nation-wide Trump protests felt in California, Chicago, and Washington just days after the election of future President Trump. Valois explained, “I am very nervous for the poor and working and middle class, but I am more nervous for Muslims, Mexicans, all people of color, immigrants (legal and illegal), the LGBTQ community, especially trans youth,” and added, “If Trump cannot pass legislation that adversely affects their lives, I fear that his supporters might feel that it is now okay to harass and hurt these most vulnerable and marginalized people.” read more

(Archive May 2016) Ibsen and Hansberry and Miller, Oh My!

By Courtney Wentz | Observer Contributor

Every other year, MWCC offers a one of a kind class called Modern Drama, taught by Professor Susan Blake. 

In Modern Drama, students read and discuss popular plays from the 20th century, like Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, Arthur Miller’s All My Sons, and Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun, along with a handful of others, plus a professor who is passionate about the topic. “I always loved plays,” Professor Blake said, “I’m always looking for new plays and playwrights.”  read more

(Archive April 2016) Profiling: Heather Conn

Making Science Fun

By Andrew Hoenig | Assistant Editor

Photo courtesy of Heather Conn

Gardner, Mass. – Professor of Sciences Heather Conn is looking to make learning science fun for students at Mount Wachusett Community College by bringing a young and energetic teaching style.

Conn, 43, has been a professor at the Mount for almost 11 years teaching a wide variety of sciences on campus including Anatomy I and II, Physiology I and II, Environmental Chemistry, Life Sciences for Allied Health, Geology, and Paleontology.

“I like being a jack of all trades,” said Conn.  read more

(Archive December 2011) Professor Profile: Welcome Molly Jarvi

By Christopher Kyprianos | Observer Contributor

Molly Jarvi and Bruin
Photo by C. Kyprianos

Molly K. Jarvi will be joining the Mount Wachusett Community College family in the spring of 2012 as an adjunct Professor and will be based at the Leominster satellite campus. She brings with her a strong desire to serve the academic community, a robust educational background, and a hardy dose or real-world experience.

She received her MBA in Management from Fitchburg State College 2009 after having received her BA in Communication Studies from Bridgewater State College in 2006. Subsequently, Jarvi accepted an AR specialist position with SimplexGrinnell, based in Westminster, Mass. Since that time, she has made several progressive moves within the company and in April 2010, progressed into a Senior Sourcing Specialist position. read more

Beyond Critique

Director of Assessments Amanda Henrichs’ Mission to Cultivate Joyful Learning 

By Katie Holgerson | Assistant Editor

Photo courtesy of Amanda Henrichs

Amanda Henrichs has been the Director of Assessments at the Mount for about 2 years and uses they/them pronouns. Originally from Oregon, Henrichs reflected on how different their life was in the Beaver State, mentioning that they were “milking goats and making porridge.” They explained the geographical distinctions between Oregon and Massachusetts, noting that Oregon experiences more rainfall and is “always gray,” with mountains for skiing and even a desert known as the High Desert on the other side. Henrichs recommends visiting Crater Lake, describing it as “incredible, it’s an old volcano that is filled in.”  read more

Profile: Kerrie Griffin

MWCC Professor Shares her Passion for Psychology

By Isabelle Mascary | Observer Contributor

Assistant Professor of Psychology & Human Services Kerrie Griffin has been teaching at the Mount since 2008. Her greatest passions involve socialization, advising, and helping her students grow, often drawing on her own experiences to do so.

Griffin attended the University of New Hampshire, where she obtained an undergraduate degree in psychology and a graduate degree in counseling. “I went back for a second degree because I was comfortable there and had such a great undergraduate experience,” she shared. read more