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Posts tagged as “construction”

(Archive May 2018) Tree Removal Shines a New Light on Parking

By Christine Nelson | Observer Contributor

Clearing behind the Garrison Center began early in the semester, and continues as Summer arrives.
Photo by Brianna Stevens

Alan Cumming is a force behind much of the landscape events and changes to our 296 acres that make up the Gardner campus.  

Cumming initiated the idea of removing trees from behind the daycare to solve a variety of problems. The area was attracting a number of different animals, including an “eight-foot long rat snake,” Cumming said. The school was interested in adding light, as well as access to the back of the building. Eliminating some trees also offers added safety, as the police can now see into that area.  read more

(Archive February 2018) MWCC’s Fitness and Wellness Center Ready for Renovating

By Iheb Klai | Observer Contributor

Photo by Benjamin Richard

Open to the public since 1995, the Mount Wachusett Community College Fitness and Wellness Center’s main purpose is to
promote healthy lifestyles by providing knowledge on exercising. In the last few years, some of the students, faculty, and staff have complained about the current state of the Fitness Center, and many members decided to move to other centers around the area.

Jared Swerzenski, former Director of the Fitness and Wellness center said, “We are in a very competitive market with seven other gyms within a 15 miles radius, including Planet Fitness that just came in three years ago. Even though there is such a tough market we have pushed to create our own identity at the Fitness Center.  As for membership, we are moving in a positive direction, with an increase of 23 percent of new memberships in just 24 months.” read more

(Archive April 2017) A Look at the MWCC Bemis Student Center

By Nick Cherico | Assistant Editor

In the fall of 2017, Mount Wachusett will officially unveil the Bemis Student Center. This student center will be a new space for students to do homework, play games, and hangout with their peers between classes.

According to Dean of Students Jason Zeleski, who has been leading this campaign for a new student center, the idea for the project started about two years ago with one question. That question was “how are students spending their time at the Mount?”

A feasibility study was conducted to give school officials an idea of what the campus may need to address certain student life issues. The results of the feasibility study were then taken and turned into feedback of what students like and don’t like.  read more

(Archive March 2017) Spring Construction in the Gardner Campus Parking Lot

By Liam Scanlon | Observer Contributor

A series of roadblocks to keep drivers off of the more heavily damaged section of the parking lot.

Reconstruction of the Gardner campus parking lot will begin during the 2017 spring semester. This includes renovation of the roadway connecting the parking lot to Matthews St.

The design will not be finalized until later in the month. John Wyman, Associate Vice President of Facilities Management, has released some information concerning the project.

Due to the need for parking spaces in the spring semester, preliminary construction will be on a small scale. Full scale construction will start during the summer and the lot is scheduled to be finished before the fall semester. read more

(Archive February 2017) A Little Fix Here, a Little Fix There

By Santiago Ferreira Vila | Observer Contributor

Construction. The one nightmare that affects almost every commuter, whether it is just a simple (or not so simple) one-lane closing, or an entire street wiped out. Mount Wachusett Community College has a student body of about 10,000, according to its website, and every one of those students are commuters. Construction, unfortunately, makes the effort of driving to the school difficult. Whether it be the Gardner, Leominster, or  Devens campus.  read more

(Archive September 2016) New Year, New Mount!

As many of you who are returning to the Mount can tell, the school has gotten a significant facelift since last semester.

SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE NEW CONSTRUCTION! Do you like what they’ve done with the place? Do you feel it could be better? Let us know what’s on your mind!
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