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Posts tagged as “clubs on campus”

Searching for Stress Management Solutions

Could Joining Clubs Help Students Destress?

By Eoin Haggerty | Observer Contributor


Melissa Manzi, the mental health counselor at the Mount since 2011, has found that gaming for students “is a way to destress.”

However, she also found that it can be destructive behavior if not managed correctly. Manzi said, “I would say when a student comes to me about gaming, it’s that it’s a problem or interfering with their studies.” She added, “Many are not aware of how much time they are spending. Some students have to take it out of their day because they can’t stop.” read more

Getting Down to Business

Business society prepares students for the corporate world

By Alyssa Gammel
Observer Contributor

The Alpha Beta Gamma Business Honors Society is a selective group or exclusively business majors.

“Students must keep their GPA at 3.0 or higher with 15 credited hours within the school,” said club president Alicia Hatch. ABG is also connected to the Chamber of Commerce which means that members can go to different networking expos.

Image Courtesy of MWCC
The ABG as of their induction ceremony in April, 2018

The induction process includes lunch with a guest speaker, certificates and pins being handed out, and each new member must recite a quote. According to Hatch, members will always have a connection to ABG, even after they graduate. Past, present, and future members are always invited to events held by the group. read more

Civil Discourse

Students discuss politics in new Civics Club

By Ryan Lyesiuk
Observer Contributor

Government and the rights and roles of citizens are some of the topics covered in the all-new, student run Civics Club.

According to Professor James Korman, who will provide guidance and support for the club members, students will “meet face-to-face with elected advisors (fellow students) – not teachers – when organizing these meetings.”

Understand United States civics is a key factor in understanding how the economic and political systems are closely connected. “Grasping knowledge in both areas is essential in order to be successful upon graduation,” Korman noted. read more

Early Childhood & Elementary Education Club

By Hannah Bennet
Observer Contributor

The Early Childhood & Elementary Education Club focuses on gathering Early Childhood development majors, providing its members with hands-on experience in their majors, as well as offering kids opportunities in literacy.

The club is open to all students, not just Early Childhood Education majors. Meetings are held in the Garrison Center for Early Childhood Education from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.

Stephanie Brunell said the club is “a great way for Early Childhood Education majors to connect with one another.” read more

(Archive October 2019) STEM Club

By Ryan Lyesiuk | Observer Contributor

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is an up-and-coming club on the MWCC campus. STEM was established last Spring and they are seeking to recruit new members.

Victor Dhliwayo said he joined because “it sounded fun” and “it seemed like a good idea.” He is one of the approximately 12 current members of the club.

Recruiting methods include, according to Dhliwayo, “talking to students, networking, and having a presence at the BBQ Fest” with a neatly designed billboard on display for all to see. read more

(Archive October 2019) Campus Crusaders for Christ

By Nicholas Papini | Observer Contributor

CRU Club (Campus Crusaders for Christ) is a safe space for talking about faith and exploring other denominations of Christianity, according to club vice president Sidney Meyers. Routine meetings include discussions and friendly disagreements regarding aspects of members’ faith and how to gain faith. One highlight of last semester was a debate on Jesus Christ and whether or not he could be considered to be God.

Meyers described the club as a more mature youth group appropriate for college aged students. For those interested, the club currently meets in room 301 on Wednesdays from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. read more

(Archive October 2019) Sexuality and Gender Alliance

By Samantha Sykes | Observer Contributor

The Sexuality and Gender Alliance Club (SAGA) has been on campus for at least four years. The club focuses on establishing a community within itself. Most meetings consist of games and other activities that assist with their goal. Members also put effort into understanding and educating themselves about the LGBTQ community.

SAGA holds numerous fundraisers and bake sales throughout the year to help with their finances and establish more of a presence in the college. read more

(Archive October 2019) Campus Activities Team for Students

By Kristopher Madden | Observer Contributor

If you’ve been on campus long enough, you’ve seen some of the events that our school stages. From holiday parties to Open Club Enrollment Day, Campus Activities Team for Students (CATS) is behind the scenes, making it happen.

“If you’re ready to plan events, want to earn a lot of volunteer hours, want to see stuff happen on campus and have tons of fun, then come join CATS,” said Brittany Stephenson, a Fire Service Tech/EMT major and Club President since 2016. read more

(Archive October 2019) Destination: Iceland

By Maya Douglas | Observer Contributor

The Cultural Engagement and International Service Club is all about promoting positive diversity and learning within the community. Their mission is to foster global awareness, understanding, and appreciation within the MWCC community. Their next upcoming event is a service trip to Iceland.

In May 2020, Student Life and the Brewer Center for Civic Learning and Community Engagement will host this service project along with True Nature Education, a nonprofit organization which carries a holistic approach to the idea of learning in a culturally diverse environment. This weeklong trip will be filled with activities such as hiking the local terrain, visiting volcanic lava fields and hot springs, going on a whale watch, and more. There will also be time to try regional foods as well as local shopping. read more