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Posts tagged as “busy”

(Archive April 2017) Full-Time Student Juggles Full-Time Job and Social Life

By Brianna Stevens | Observer Contributor

Just as many other college students, Tristen LaClair, 20, a graphic design major at MWCC, struggles with balancing a full-time job and being a full-time student.

 “I almost failed a class last semester because I was so over-worked,” LaClair recalled.        

He explained that he worked as a Food Service Aide at Heywood Hospital, and the kitchen has been so short staffed for so long, that he has had to work over 40 hours each week. He said he managed to pull his grades up in time to pass his classes, but by the skin of his teeth.  read more

(Archive April 2017) Adjunct Professor Gets Master’s Degree Working and Parenting Full-Time

By Jennifer Ballou | Observer Contributor

Laura Rosmond

Going for a Master’s degree while teaching high school, and with three young children at home, is not something that many people would consider doing. But for Laura Rosmond, she did what she had to.

When Rosmond was young, she had big dreams of being able to go into the medical field and find the cure for AIDS. Medical technologist, nurse, aide, whatever it took, she was going to solve the world’s biggest problem.

But life happens, and Rosmond had her first child before attending college. She made the sensible decision to put the plan to cure AIDS on hold and make sure that her family was taken care of first. She decided to still go into biology but realized that if she couldn’t solve everything, maybe she could help teach others so that they might.  read more

(Archive April 2017) Maintaining a Busy and Healthy Lifestyle with Corey Boucher

By Nick Cherico | Assistant Editor

Corey Boucher, age 23, is from Leominster, MA. He is currently balancing his work life as an upholsterer and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Boucher currently works for Marcoux Upholstery in Leominster. While working there, he has been a part of some big reupholstering projects, a major one being the upholstery of the seats at Fenway Park. After his company won the bid they put in for the job, they began to start working in January of 2015.

The company was contracted for 6,000 seats. 5,500 red vinyl seats and 500 blue vinyl seats were scheduled to be reupholstered over the course of 3 years. The main goal of the upholstery was to make the seats you can see on television look nicer/stick out more.  read more

(Archive March 2017) The Busy Life of Kim Cook

By Kelly Cacciolfi | Observer Contributor

Cook with Ryder, Age 6

“I get it” is what Kim Cook stated as she explained why she is in her first semester of the Nursing program at MWCC and taking part in several groups on campus. 

Growing up very ill as a young adult with Crohn’s Disease, having back surgeries, gallbladder removal, and lymph node issues. Cook stated, “I always had it in the back of my head that I needed to help change the system and be an advocate from the inside.” Cook said, “I didn’t have a childhood and now this is my playground.” read more