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Posts tagged as “business”

(Archive February 2017) Business Honor Society Looking for Students

By Courtney Wentz | News Editor

Left to right: Elizabeth Lapan, Tammy Goodgion, Cindy Doyle, and Jennifer Davie.
Photo courtesy of Tammy Goodgion

Alpha Beta Gamma, the business honor society, is looking for more students to participate in their activities. 

ABG has been on campus since 1970, with accounting Professor Linda Bolduc as their advisor. Their new President is Tammy Goodgion who said, “ABG has a life-long membership that people will recognize on a resume because it’s known internationally.” 

Recently, ABG joined the Gardener Chamber of Commerce as a business. This will benefit students a part of ABG by them being able to meet with CPAs, business owners, and helping out at these local businesses.  read more

(Archive October 1, 2011) Business Capstone Class Presents Blueprint for MWCC’s Future Success

By Christina Doyle | Observer Contributor

Dr. Michael Greenwood
Photo by Matthew Cohen

Editor’s Note: Business Capstone Classes are offered every spring. If interested, the following offers a preview of what you could be involved with when the class is offered again.

Last semester Dr. Michael Greenwood’s Strategic Management class conducted their in-depth analysis on higher education for MWCC compared to other schools. The Mount has been looking at ways to better the school for the students and as President Daniel Asquino stated before the presentation, “We will look at this presentation as a reflection for our future plans.” read more

(Archive March 2006) The Bottom Line

By Jack Wilson | Advertising Manager

A business career is one of the best ways to make cents but unfortunately business doesn’t always make sense. That’s why the Mount Observer has created “The Bottom Line”. Every month I will write an article pertaining to the latest news in business. Each one of my columns will be geared directly toward you, the reader, tying in the important issues of today with how they affect you.

In February CNN reported the top ten most lucrative careers in 2006. Four out of the top ten were careers in business. Accounting was highest on the list coming in fifth followed shortly by economics and finance re­lated professions. These two fields were also the fastest growing, not in popularity but in the dollar amount of initial salary. Accounting jobs have increased in salary 6.2 percent to $45,723 and Economics and Finance grew at a higher rate of 11 percent to $45,191. The remain­ing two business careers in the top ten were Business Administration and Marketing which were 8th and 9th earning $39,850 and $36,260 respectively. read more