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Posts tagged as “April Fool’s”

(Archive April Fool’s Day 2017) The CAPTCHA Reform: Androids Seek Equality

By Joshua Needham | Social Media Editor

The logo for the pro-android rights movement.


Androids and Augmented-Americans stood together yesterday in support of the CAPTCHA Reform, seeking to have the phrase “I AM NOT A ROBOT” removed from internet CAPTCHA verifications.

A CAPTCHA internet verification box, containing the controversial phrase “I’m not a robot.”

CAPTCHA is a backronym standing for Completely Automated ublic Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart and was created in 1997 during the early days of the world wide web. The system was developed initially to prevent bots from adding URL’s to search engines, back in a time when “robot” referred to an unconscious machine or automated software. read more

(Archive April Fool’s Day 2017) Students Petition to Have MWCC Windmills Switched Off

Claim Wind Generated by Mills Causing Late Spring

By Joshua Needham | Social Media Editor

One of the windmills in question, caught in the act of generating excessive winds.

Students are working on a petition to have the two massive wind turbines shut down this April, saying that the excessive winds are preventing the spring season from coming.

Spring should have sprung for students on March 20th, but instead we’ve been suffering through high winds and low temperatures. It would seem as though students won’t stand for the delayed warm weather any longer and are putting together a petition to shut the turbines down to prevent spring from being blown away. read more