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Posts tagged as “alumni”

(Archive March 2018) Alumni Combats Video Game Stigmas

By Shayna Rolon | Observer Contributor

Video games, such as the Call of Duty games in the stack above, are often used as examples of violent games without substance
Photo by Benjamin Richard

For the longest time, video games have been perceived on the surface as unbeneficial indulgences that promote violence and demote teaching anything moral/valuable. Most people look at popular franchises such as Call of Duty and Super Smash Bros., that center around shooting and fighting and lack story, and assume that all video games are designed the same way. 

Nora Gavin, an MWCC alumni who is a video game design major, wants to refute the stigma against video games and prove that they have potential to hold just as much substance as a novel and aren’t always about fighting or battling. read more

(Archive October 18, 2011) MWCC Alumni are Among Occupy Boston

By Cheyne Odronio | Editor-in-Chief

Sarah Linstrom making a sign at Occupy Boston.
Photo by Cheyne Ordonio

As an Occupy Boston march on Oct. 8 progressed down Boylston Street on its way to Newbury Street, a place famous for its many shops and restaurants, a single woman stood outside Trader Joe’s, resolved to make the movement more image conscious with a sign that read, “Take A Look At Yourself, 99%.”

I’m not so sure she checked the mirror, herself, while dressing for the day’s grind, but I guess dismissing the movement’s concerns based on the “hippie” or “anarchists” looks of its participants alone is about as well trained as one can get after years of watching the pundits on Fox News and CNN bicker over partisan lines. Nonetheless, as the movement marched on, I overheard curious onlookers, some with dropped jaws, asking the question, “What do they want,” so I figured I’d take the lady seriously and have a closer look at Occupy Boston. read more