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Posts tagged as “addiction”

(Archive September 2018) Fighting the Addiction to End the Affliction

By Maurisa Weld | Observer Contributor

Mental Health Counselor Melissa Manzi deals with opiate addiction on a regular basis. Though students don’t usually seek out treatment with Manzi, she said students come to her for help when loved ones are battling addiction.

An Opiate Addiction Awareness Seminar was held and focused on, in addition to addiction, mental health. “I’ve had several students who have watched their parents overdose,” Manzi said, “and others who have had a total of three friends die to opiates.” read more

(Archive February 2018) MWCC’s “The Link”: Helping Recovering Addicts Pursue Their Dreams

By Timothy Whalen Jr. | Observer Contributor

Jonathan Marshall (left) and Ramsey Clayter (right) of The Link.
Photo by Timothy Whalen

As you approach room 193, across from the Life Long Learning Center, you’ll Notice a sign that reads “Stigma Free Zone,” as well as the name of the co-founders, Jonathan Marshall and Ramsey Clayter or the newest MWCC program called The Link.  

Mr. Marshall and Mr. Clayter, are helping students in recovery from substance abuse either enroll or re-enroll at Mount Wachusett Community College.  In doing so, helping to finally fill the void of, for lack of a better word, the “black hole” of programs, not only at MWCC, but in the entire nation, geared at the growing community of individuals in recovery. read more