Can We Persevere? Yes We Can-dace!
By Jason D. Greenough | Web/Social Media Editor
For some, it has been a tough week following the Presidential election. The atmosphere surrounding the results that brought Donald Trump into the position of commander in chief has been filled with varying amounts of fear, anger, sadness, and uncertainty, throughout different demographics of the American populace.
Here at MWCC, Students and faculty alike are trying to sort through their own feelings on the events that transpired on November 8th, with some feeling what they can only equate to grieving, others feeling frustrated and perplexed at how their country has come to this, and others who are cautious, yet hopeful, that the 45th President of these United States will change his ways from the behavior we have witnessed throughout the last 18 months. Candace Shivers, Associate Professor of Human Services and Sociology here at the Mount, has something to say about the effect that a Trump presidency might have on college students, such as commuting costs. read more