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Posts published in “Poetry”

(Archive September 2018) Pantoum 

By Maurisa Weld

Peace is disturbed, it approaches.
“knock, knock”
It takes over.

“knock, knock
”who is it?”
“no ones home”

Who is it?
The being who controls your thoughts.
No one’s home, 
yet I feel something watching.

The being who controls your thoughts
makes your heart pound and hands sweat.

(Archive September 2018) Villanelle: Dumb Duo

By Maurisa Weld

Devastated, the dinosaur drunkenly stumbled 
into a half-dreaming parakeet flying lazy low.
Downward ascending deep to the dark floor went the dumb duo.

“DANGIT!” the dino yelled. 
“Do you watch where you dawdle?” the bird chirped.
Devastated, the dinosaur drunkenly stumbled.

Parakeet darted to the canopy.
He perched on a twig too weak to hold him. SNAP.
Downward ascending deep to the dark floor went the dumb duo.

(Archive September 2018) Sonnet: Behind a Locked Door

By Maurisa Weld

Everyone has an identity 
that goes beyond first names.
Though no one wants to unlock their destiny,
for they are too busy kicking around, playing life’s games. 

Fate is behind a locked door.
We wait in hopes to find a key on the ground.
Not changing who we are, making the same mistakes as before
we wait for the door to open when we could easily knock it down.

Pick up the pieces, life is a puzzle.
At first attempt you may not feel like a victor
but with perseverance you will defeat the struggle
and see you have made a beautiful picture.  read more


A poem by Sophie Harrold

with no one noticing,
She moves the branches aside.

when no one else can see,
She cares for everyone.

while everyone else is having fun,
She stays behind.

in Her life,
people hear Her without listening,
they see Her without looking,
but She continues to move the branches aside.

without Her,
they would falter,
with Her,
they will thrive.

but one question remains,
for Her,
who will move the branches aside?

(Archive April 2018) Old School

By Michael R. Young

An old house decomposes to my left.  On my right, a Victorian schoolhouse stands in proud obsolescence, its arched stone doorway ascended to by grand stone steps. The silent ghosts of bygone children clamber upward toward silent school bells, scowling hall monitors and musty rooms.  Blackboard erasures have left their chalky marks, pounded on stoic brick walls.  The halcyon days of the three “R’s” and recess have given way to short term memory loss.  But I still remember Dotty Evan’s blonde braids, blue tipped, as she sat at the desk in front of me.  Her hair just barely reached the inkwell in my graffiti-carved, flip-top, oaken writing desktop.   read more

(Archive April 2018) Tattoo Haiku

By Brian Dickens

Go get a tattoo,

bold print across your forehead,

reading, “bless this mess.”

(Archive April 2018) The Art of War

By James Pelletier

War is born on the diagonal
no space for symmetry

no place for proportion

nor stillness of balance.

The clatter of jagged edged


juxtaposed contrasts

and oppositions:

these are the strokes

that make their mark

on prints of black and white

and colors on canvases

that march their way 

into the collections of History.

(Archive May 2017) Remembering Edward Stevens

By William A. Lefrancois | Observer Contributor

For fifty-one years, Ed Stevens was steadfast to the Mount;
For over half a century, true wisdom graced his classes.
At Haley none remained longer, too many years to count;
You could always rely on Ed, he thrived in helping the masses.

Ed began teaching when the Mount was young, a fledgling college;
The community needed educators and Ed Stevens answered its call.
Physics, Engineering, Math; to these Ed showed the light of knowledge.
His torched burned bright for generations; he was a man who stood tall. read more


By S. Byrne | Observer Contributor

I’d love to applaud our progress
to say that we, as a society, as a country, as a nation
have come together to make all people feel welcome
to ensure that everyone knows that
“All lives matter,” as they like to say

I would love to stop talking about
“The issues of the past”
to stop
“Bringing up the mistakes of [our] ancestors”
to not have to have any discussion
regarding race or ethnicity with children

I would love to pretend that things are good
that all people are treated equally
that things have improved read more


An Interview with the Vampire Blackout Poem by Elysian Alder | Editor-in-Chief

Excerpt from page 19 of Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice

“I saw
Lestat again.
I saw him
as I have seen him before,
stark in the night.

I saw him,
his life and blood;
radiant, luminous.
I saw only Lestat.

It was as if I was so
enthralled with Lestat
that I looked at nothing else
for a long time.

His laughter,
his heart.
It was confusing:
soft but distinct,
increasing but discrete delight—
my Lestat.

Rid yourself, don’t fall so
madly in love that you
lose. read more