Marvel Studios’Black Panther Image via Copyright Disney and Marvel Studios
Marvel Studios’ Black Panther has struck a controversial debate in the U.S. The blockbuster has become a Hot Topic, creating arguments especially on social media as some say the movie is racist. The movie set in a fictional land in Africa, Wakanda, and is said to be the first black super-hero movie. Fans argue that it is just that: a superhero movie. While others say there is a hidden meaning of racism towards the white community.
Joseph Hollenbeck, a student at Fitchburg University, shared his belief. His argument was that the only two white characters throughout the movie were portrayed in negative ways. The first being the main super villain, and the second being weak and ignorant. “Claus” (pronounced “Claw”) is introduced as an American and his duty as super villain is to steal the resource- Vibranium, from the people of Wakanda. Hollenbeck suggested that this course of action refers to the historians of America bringing slaves over, stealing their more
Artist Robert Osborne sits at his desk (where it is) Photo courtesy of
Imagine buying and selling works of art by artists such as Rubens, Degas, Sargent, O’Keefe and Vermeer.
Robert G. Osborne, a local contemporary artist from Athol, did that for 35 years in New York City and recently shared highlights and advice from his career as an art dealer, museum director, and artist.
Osborne showed slides of noteworthy artwork he bought and then later sold.
A smaller Rubens illustration (c. 1632) that mirrored the master’s paintings was sold to University of California, Berkeley. “I was very proud of this one,” Osborne said. read more
Sway by Deborra Stewart-Pettengill Photos by Alexa Nogueira
Deborra Stewart-Pettengill is a South Carolina native who specializes in abstract art. On Thursday, March 1, she held a Gallery Talk for her art exhibit at Mount Wachusett Community College.
The Gallery Talk had a big turnout, which consisted of art students working in 2-D and fans of Stewart-Pettengill who had visited the exhibit several times throughout the week.
The event itself was hosted by Joyce Miller, a professor at MWCC who runs the college’s art more
Aries (March 21-April 19): You are shining like a Jack O’ Lantern on a doorstep this month. Remember your goals and ambitions, long-term and short-term, and don’t let anyone stomp them out. Though you may feel like you’re a dime-a-dozen person, you are unique, and one-of-a-kind, just like every pumpkin that’s going to be fancied up this time of year. Put on your best clothes, and show them all how much you glow!
Taurus (April 20-May 20): You are a very dedicated person. Be it for your family or friends, or you’re just a lone wolf, you hold someone or something very dear to you. You can be stubborn about change, however. When the next full moon comes around, be open to new opportunities that may present more
The cover to the 2017 edition of A Certain Slant. Photo by Tom Hill Jr.
A Certain Slant, spring 2017 edition, is a literary magazine that features original poetry, prose, and artwork of many MWCC students. During the process of creating each yearly edition, any student is welcome to submit their work to Michelle Valois, the faculty advisor.
The artwork featured on the front and back covers, created by Kyle Johnson, is what caught my attention immediately. The vibrant colors and unique design were captivating. Upon receiving the magazine, I quickly brushed my hand across the front of the magazine due to the three-dimensional illusion created by the cover more
It’s 2 a.m. I should have been asleep hours ago, but here I am, crying my eyes out over 13 Reasons Why. If you’re like me, you, too, sobbed at the graphic depiction of suicide in the show. It was gut wrenching to watch.
If you have not seen it, 13 Reasons Why is based on the book by Jay Asher, which was published in 2007. The show tells the story of Hannah Baker, played by Katherine Langford, a teenage girl who decides to commit suicide, and leaves behind tapes explaining her 13 reasons for this choice. I was impressed with this Netflix Original Series, and yet, disturbed. It was a bold move to show all the graphic scenes that they did, which was done against professional advice. A “viewer discretion” warning popped up before at least 3 of the episodes because of the graphic content depicting rape, suicide, and general more
For fifty-one years, Ed Stevens was steadfast to the Mount; For over half a century, true wisdom graced his classes. At Haley none remained longer, too many years to count; You could always rely on Ed, he thrived in helping the masses.
Ed began teaching when the Mount was young, a fledgling college; The community needed educators and Ed Stevens answered its call. Physics, Engineering, Math; to these Ed showed the light of knowledge. His torched burned bright for generations; he was a man who stood more
I’d love to applaud our progress to say that we, as a society, as a country, as a nation have come together to make all people feel welcome to ensure that everyone knows that “All lives matter,” as they like to say
I would love to stop talking about “The issues of the past” to stop “Bringing up the mistakes of [our] ancestors” to not have to have any discussion regarding race or ethnicity with children
I would love to pretend that things are good that all people are treated equally that things have improvedread more