Dale Wasserman’s 60’s classic, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest comes to life on the Theatre at the Mount stage for 5 performances beginning October 5.
Set in a mental ward in America in the 1950s, the drama features half a dozen patients suffering various degrees of mental illness, from the lobotomized near-vegetable Ruckly, played by March Schrader, to the hyper-active Cheswick, played by Chuck Grigaitis. Other residents include Martini (played by Anthony Santucci), an eager, bright-eyed Italian suffering from hallucinations; well-educated but nervous and effete Harding, played by Vic Kruczynski; stuttering Billy Bibbitt (played by Tim Culkeen), still psychologically under his mother’s control; Scanlon (played by Tony Minichiello), who is obsessed with constructing bombs; and, Chief Bromden (played by Joe DeStadio), a large, bull muscled, deaf/mute Indian with schizophrenia. read more