By Kelly Cacciolfi | Assistant Editor
Amy LaBarge, M. Ed. is the Coordinator of Disability Services at MWCC and she is the advisor to a new club on campus. The Delta Alpha Pi Honor Society is international and an academic honor society founded to recognize high-achieving students with both physical and mental disabilities who are attending colleges and universities as undergraduate or graduate students. LaBarge said, “only seven other colleges provide this club on their campuses in Massachusetts”.
The Delta Alpha Pi chapter at MWCC is known as the Epsilon Theta and was founded in May of 2017. LaBarge said that “this club is a wonderful opportunity to recognize the achievements of our students with disabilities and to promote disability awareness and pride on our campus”.
According to the brochure, the Delta Alpha Pi Greek letters have a true meaning for its members. D is for Disability, but also the triangle is a symbol of strength and how one demonstrates strength as leaders on campus to help break down the barriers of negativism. A is for achievement and advocacy because students must advocate for themselves before they can advocate for others. P is for pride in academic achievement and in other accomplishments, not just as students with disabilities.
According to student member Amanda Robichaud: “I am thrilled to hopefully spread awareness about disabilities so people understand it doesn’t define you (even though I have a hard time with accepting it, even though I embrace it). I joined the club because I want to be the person who can make a change and come out to let others know that a disability isn’t a disadvantage! I’m hoping that together as a team, we can create an environment where students feel comfortable in their skin, without judgment. I want to have a team of mentors, including myself to show that we can be the change in the perception and assumptions of those with disabilities. I hope the club will expand by educating students within the campus and outside of the campus so the community knows that our school is happy to help”.
The criteria for joining is that first students must present a documented disability and work with one of the staff members of the Disability Services team. Also, students will demonstrate an interest in disability issues. Undergraduate students must also have completed a minimum of 24 credits and earned an overall Grade Point Average of 3.10.
The benefits of joining are being honored for outstanding academic achievement, developing leadership and advocacy skills, serving as mentors and role models for other students, participating in fun activities and events, creating new friendships on campus, and having the opportunity to showcase strengths of students of all abilities. Disabilities of all kinds are encouraged to learn more and join this club.
There is no cost to join this club and meetings will be held every other Thursday starting October 5 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in Room W11. The first co-sponsored event with the Delta Alpha Pi and Student Services will be on October 11 in the North Cafe showing the film, “The Renegades: A Beep Ball Story”. For more information, contact Amy LaBarge at
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