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The Sobbing Sea

By Sophie Harrold | Observer Contributor

The whistling wind blows,
As they crash, crash, crash,
Frothing, sobbing at their loss.

They cry as they crash,
Saddened by the day gone by,
Until everything collides completely.

They begin crashing cruelly,
Against the jutting rocks,


B o o m

B  o  o  m

B   o   o   m.

Then ‘shhhhh’,
Whispers the little one,
As she stands there on the sand.

‘Shhhhh,’ she whispers,
‘No need to fret,’
‘The sun will always come back tomorrow.’

They begin to settle,
Sweeping sweetly, swaying soundly,
Swish, swish, swish.

The little one walks forward,
Just a little more to the shore,
And all is silent for this one


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