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(Archive May 2016) Student Tattoos and Their Meanings

Everybody’s Got a Story, but Does Every Tattoo Have a Story?

By Holly Tata | Observer Contributor

Photos courtesy of Holly Tata

Name: Marina Leone
Major: Radiology Technology

Is there a story behind your tattoos? 
“My aunt and I got tattoos on the same day. She got a Celtic cross, and I got the Celtic knot. The Celtic knot represents the four seasons, four elements, four cardinal directions etc. I’m Irish, so that’s part of the reason, but I also got it to remind me that life is constantly changing, anything could happen at any moment, and there’s always things that are out of your control. 

This one says “You are my sunshine” and it’s in my grandfather’s handwriting. My grandmother used to sing it to me when I was little, so I got this in memory of both of them.”

Who did your tattoos?
Brett Caron

Do you have any tips for someone looking to get a tattoo?
Get something meaningful, original, and think about it for a long time  before you do it. Pick a good tattoo artist that you’re comfortable with, and hope you have a high pain tolerance.”

Name: Ralph Hogan
Position: Admissions Office

So what’s the story behind your left arm’s tattoos?
I grew up with Pokemon. I played them when they first came out, and I still play them to this day. I was replaying Pokemon Blue at the time when I was thinking about tattoo ideas, and it just clicked! I originally started with the Bulbasaur (first on the left, in green) but then I decided to get the other starter Pokemon. 

And the Legos? 
Similar to the Pokemon tattoo, I sort of have a nostalgic theme. It’s funny, the Pokemon and Lego tattoos have all gotten students to talk to me and join my summer programs!

Is there a story behind your triangle tattoo?
It’s a pride tattoo! It’s funny, I actually never had any intention of getting a pride tattoo. But it signified, to me, being out and being comfortable with who you are.

Who does your work? 
Emily Shortsleeve at Fight or Flight Tattoo in Fitchburg.

Do you have any tips for people who are looking to get tattoos?
Know what you want to get, because tattoos are forever! Also, take care of them! Aftercare is so important! 

Name: Dylan Crowley
Major: Liberal Arts 

What’s the story behind your tattoo?
“This was my first tattoo ever, and when I was trying to think of something meaningful, I thought of what I’ve spent the most time liking throughout my whole life, and throughout the years I’ve always loved the band The White Stripes. They toured for a long time with a peppermint decal on their drums so I decided on that!”

Who did the tattoo? 
“I can’t remember his last name, but his first name is Evan and he used to work at Flesh By Design in Fitchburg.”

Do you have any tips for someone looking to get a tattoo?
“There’s no way that it isn’t going to hurt. Just accept it, relax, breathe, and you’ll get through it.”

Name: Cami Charlonne 
Major: Allied Health

Who is your artist? 
“My dad, actually!”

Does he have a shop? 
“No, he just kind of does this as a hobby.”

What’s your favorite tattoo? 
“I have a Star Wars Rebel Alliance symbol with a rose…on my butt. No lie.”

Is there any meaning or story behind the tattoos on your arm? 
“Not really…They’re both inspired by Edgar Allan Poe, though!”

Do you have any tips for someone who’s looking to get a tattoo? 
“Think about it before hand! – I definitely regret some of them.”

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