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(Archive October 2007) Fitness Center Fees

By Ashley Gough | Editor-in-Chief

Fulltime students have recently been required to pay a mem­bership fee of $60 per semes­ter in order to use the Fitness and Wellness Center facilities, where it was previously free. This came as a shock to many students who have voiced com­plaints about the change. The change came with short notice over the summer in the form of an email, letter or announced on signs put up around the Fit­ness Center entrance.

Steve Washkevich, Di­rector of the Fitness and Well­ness Center, stated that the im­plementing of fees to students was a way of being able to keep up with rising costs without having to raise membership fees for non-students. He also stated that with an annual rate of $320 for a non-student adult member of the community, the $60 fee per semester was still a significant discount.

Amy Doucette, a stu­dent at the Mount, stated that she thinks the Fitness Center should be free for all students. She also mentioned that with the problems of obesity and poverty in America, it would be a great benefit to students to have access to this facility for free. Doucette then said, “When it comes to utilizing resources that could aid you to better your health, or with paying your bills, I don’t think there should be a choice. I think we can use all the help we can get.”

According to Washkev­ich, the money paid for mem­bership fees goes to general building operations, as well as employee salaries. He stated there are currently 3 full-time and 65 part-time employees, all of whom can access the facili­ties without cost.

Washkevich also men­tioned that most colleges have started to charge students for access to their facilities. How­ever, according to web and tele­phone surveys of local schools conducted by The Observer, every other community college in the state of Massachusetts in fact currently offers free ac­cess to their fitness facilities to full-time students and, in most cases, all students. According to this research, Quinsigamond Community College charges all students an activity fee of $25, and Greenfield Commu­nity College charges a $30 ac­tivity fee. Holyoke, Mass Bay, Northern Essex, North Shore, Berkshire, Roxbury, Massasoit, Bristol, Cape Cod, and Mid­dlesex Community College all permit free use of their fitness centers with no additional stu­dent fees.

This membership in­cludes use of all exercise equip­ment, the pool, gym, and any classes being offered. Personal training, tanning, and use of the nursery cost extra. Other fee information can be found at the Fitness Center front desk.

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