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(Archive September 2018) Sonnet: Behind a Locked Door

By Maurisa Weld

Everyone has an identity 
that goes beyond first names.
Though no one wants to unlock their destiny,
for they are too busy kicking around, playing life’s games. 

Fate is behind a locked door.
We wait in hopes to find a key on the ground.
Not changing who we are, making the same mistakes as before
we wait for the door to open when we could easily knock it down.

Pick up the pieces, life is a puzzle.
At first attempt you may not feel like a victor
but with perseverance you will defeat the struggle
and see you have made a beautiful picture. 

We should be forever moving forward,
with the knowledge from the mistakes left behind.
Sometimes it’s hard to leave rock-bottom and we feel cornered,
only seeing the negatives in life, we are blind.

Living life with a disguise-
hiding your imperfections,
Is a life full of lies!
View bumps in the road with a Kintsugi perspective:

Flaws like failures and scars
are nothing to be ashamed!
They are part of the story that makes you who you are 
and the world would be better if they were embraced. 

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