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(Archive March 2018) Details on Campus Security in Light of Parkland Shooting

By Timothy Whalen Jr. | Observer Staff

Karen Kolimaga, Chief of Campus Security at MWCC
Photo Courtesy of MWCC

Due to the recent increase of school shootings across the nation, it is important that all students on campus should be aware of all safety protocols, as well as policies on weapons either on their person or in their vehicles.

First and foremost, campus police are armed at all times, and on any given weekday their will be 2-4 police officers on campus, at least 1 during night hours and at least 1 on weekends.  In the case of an event, upon confirmation of a dangerous situation, a blackboard message will go out to all student and faculty, similar to an emergency announcement via radio.  

The new software was installed in 2016, and is designed to override all computers on campus of the threat at hand, as well as sending emergency messages to faculty and students via every listed means of communication provided to the school; cell phone calls, text messages, emergency contacts, etc.  

Now more than ever, it is extremely important to update all means of communication anyone may posses via iConnect or the administration’s office. Chief of Police, Karen Kolimaga also noted that the police force is constantly looking for ways to improve the current system.

The MWCC police force is its own department, but an extension of the Massachusetts State Police. In order to remain licensed as officers and to carry their firearms, officers are constantly training and, at the least monthly, meet the training standards of the Massachusetts State Police. It’s also worth noting that most if not all officers are either former municipal police officers or are still working part-time in municipalities. In the event of a dangerous situation, Gardner Police Department would be called in for assistance as well as the State Police and any other local municipalities that are available to assist.

The safety protocols on iConnect can be located on the left hand side, in the list of departments. Under these departments select the link for campus police, and there is a link to a page called “active shooter,” which can inform anyone on exactly how to react in case of any emergency; fire, terrorist threat, active shooter, etc. 

The responses are all the same but may slightly vary depending on the campus location. The Chief also wants to note that it is school policy that no faculty member or student is permitted to have any weapons, legally permitted or not, anywhere on school grounds, whether it be on their person or in their vehicles. Again, it is a strict school policy that must be adhered to.

It would be wise to locate these links on iConnect and go over them so every faculty member and student on all MWCC campuses are aware of all protocols and procedures in the event of any sort of emergency.  

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