By Rachel Aster | Observer Contributor

Photo by Thomas Hill Jr.
Mount Wachusett Community College has a surprising amount of travel options for the adventurous students who attend. Two of the biggest options our school offers are the Study Abroad program and the Service Travel program. The Study Abroad program is a 3-week to a full semester program, while the Service Travel is one week in May after classes end for the year.
Dr. Laurie Occhipinti, the Dean of Liberal Arts, Humanities and Communications, is the contact person for the Study Abroad program. Occhipinti said, “MWCC currently has (and has had) a study abroad program that works through partner universities. This is available now for our students.” This is a shared partner program involving other colleges which allows students the opportunity to visit one of 40-60 different countries while earning credits. Occhipinti said, “Study abroad does cost extra for students, but financial aid can be applied to study abroad (this always depends on an individual’s situation with aid). Information is available in my office (the Division for liberal Arts, Education, Humanities, and Communications).“
While the Study Abroad program has more options for country visitation and allows students to earn credits, the Service Travel program is based more on travel and cultural experience. Only 8-9 students get accepted after participating in a rigorous application process involving an interview and essay.
Shelley Nicholson, Director of the Brewer Center, started the Service Travel Program in 2015 with a grant. In the past 2 years, Nicholson chaperoned 8 students on a trip to Costa Rica, where students provided a service to the locals, while enjoying the culture.
While talking about why she started this program, Nicholson said, “I get to see students grow and challenge themselves and each other.”
Some of the services that have been provided by students in the past have been organic farm work, beach clean-up and house painting. Students can spend the rest of their time with fun activities such as exploring, ziplining and snorkeling.
Jana Murphy is a current student who attended the 2 previous Costa Rican Service Travel trips. She enjoys providing services to those in need and is currently getting her Nonprofit Management Certificate and working with the Food Pantry at MWCC. The program allowed her to do something she loves without being away from home for too long.
“It wasn’t just a normal tourist experience,” Murphy said.
This program is focused on students being submerged into a new culture and providing a service to locals, rather than being a tourist. This year, students will be going to Peru and ending the trip by visiting Machu Picchu.
While spending a whole semester abroad sounds nice, it is not doable for a lot of students. The Study Abroad program is for those who have more time and freedom while the Service Travel is a week long and offers travel options for those who cannot be away as long.
Both programs are run by very knowledgeable and well-traveled staff. Each has benefits and are tailored to the needs of MWCC students. If interested in either program, prepare at least 6 months in advance as it takes time to work out the fine details and remember that acceptance is limited for the Service Travel program.
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