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(Archive September 2017) Getting Involved with Clubs at MWCC

By Zachary Connell | Observer Contributor

Dawn Hudson;

There is a total of 36 active clubs on campus. Clubs are run by the students at MWCC with a member of the faculty as their advisors. Each club is required to have constitution which needs to be approved by the Student Government. The constitution consists of rules that the students must follow while participating in the club.

Clubs are a good way to meet other people. It gives students to look forward to something every week when approaching campus. Students have to the chance to start new relationships with other students that could last a lifetime. Sometimes it’s hard to meet other students in the classroom because some people’s attitude is to get in and get out. Clubs require communication with others and making sure everyone is on the same page.

In order to start a club on campus, a student must approach Kathy Matson, a Student Life Program Assistant at MWCC. Students who are interested in starting a club must get a total of 25 signatures from other students. Once the 25 signatures are all set, the student must submit it to the SGA.
The SGA president is Faith Kurtz. She has been the president for six months. She makes sure the clubs are following their requirements throughout each semester. Each club is required to do two community service projects.

For example, the Anime club, a club that Faith is in, has done a silent auction. The club went to local businesses to get items which they auction off. Then the club took the money they made and bought books for children who don’t have the opportunity to purchase books.

Users Cbuckley, Jpowell on en.wikipedia;

The SGA takes care of the club’s budget each semester. Each club is required to make back 15% of the money they get from the SGA. Each club will get a different amount depending on how active the club is on campus. Clubs will usually do fundraisers around campus in order to meet their requirements.

The Cultural Engagement and International Service club is the one of the most active clubs on campus. The president, Stevie LaBelle, and the other seven members in the club have run two successful fundraisers. The club has done two yard sales on campus, one in the fall semester and the other in the spring semester. In the fall the club made over $500 and in the spring the club made just under $500. This money helps for their trip they go on every year to Costa Rica.

The Costa Rica trip is required for the members of the club to pay out of their own pocket. The fundraising they do is for the airport and the facility they stay at. It is an eight-day trip which gives the students the opportunity to help serve other people.

Alexander Skowalsky, HU;

“This trip isn’t just a vacation for us, it’s to serve other people,” said Ms. LaBelle. “We want to help the people that are struggling in another country.”

Clubs created on campus are usually a positive environment. For example, Jason Zelesky, Dean of Students, takes a lot of pride and joy into being advisor for the Bowling club. He loves the positive environment it brings. It gives him the chance to meet students at MWCC and get to know them. He also enjoys seeing students get to know each other.

“I enjoy hanging with the students who show up to bowl,” Mr. Zelesky said. “I get the chance to talk to them about school or life and its truly a great thing.”

Mr. Zelesky encourages students to do things they love. He would love for more students to get involved with the MWCC bowling club or any other clubs that are going on around the school. “Clubs are good ways to meet other people and build new relationships,” said Mr. Zelesky.

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