Three MWCC professors, who provided their opinions to The Observer right after the Nov. 2016 elections, offer their opinions about how the presidency is going one year later.
Professor James Korman has been practicing law in Massachusetts since 1992 and is a Political Science professor: “In term of outcome, the president was unpredictable“
How do you feel after one year from the elections?
“The vision and the plans are not clear; I do not know what he is going to do. Replacing Obama care was totally unsuccessful. The Congress did not pass any major laws and that was due to the goals and objectives of the president. Also, the idea of immigration reform is not successful at all.”
How do you see 2020?
“In 2020, I think he is going to lose the elections. I am going to be against him because he is a kind of shocking candidate”
One year after the election, Michelle Valois, English professor and Democrat, said she still fears the conflict inside the country. “Since Trump’s election, people became more racist. I know that already existed before but now people are more comfortable.”
What is your opinion after one year from the elections ?
Professor Valois defended diversification in the United States: “we should respect the word diversity, because I think it is where our strength is. We should be open minded and understand more of the meaning of that.”
Professor Valois also described all what happened during this year:” Things are getting worst” But also, she mentioned that she is still optimistic since Obama care is not going to be repealed. She explained that point saying that at least not every decision made is going to happen.
What can happen in 2020?
“I know that optimism is one of my strengths, so I am just really optimistic. I think Republicans are getting tired of him; I feel like any group that brought together because of fear and hate, they are not going to be sustained”
David Wyman, English professor, described the year after the elections of 2016 as “ the worst” explaining that with many reasons:” When an American president says he wants to totally destroy another country, which President Trump said about North Korea, I get scared.”
What is your opinion after one year of the elections?
“It is a catastrophe.” Professor Wyman said “I think it is the worst mistake this country has ever made” He also talked about the situation in Puerto Rico after the hurricane and the reaction of the president, “An American president is supposed to go there to help people and reassure them. But he just made the situation worse.”
How do you see 2020?
“It is very easy today for the billionaires to buy politicians, and the way they set up the districts, means that the republicans are always going to win.” Professor Wyman mentioned also that he is not very hopeful for 2020. “I really do not believe in democrats; they are very weak, I think their economic policies are the same as the republicans. They are better on social issues, but I do not see them as very strong, so what happened to Hilary Clinton during the last election, I think the same will happen after 3 years.”
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