By Randy Streeter | Observer Contributor

After a one year hiatus, the math club is back again. The club meets every other Thursday at 12:30 in the physics and engineering lab on the 3rd floor.
The club is mainly made up of physics and math majors who discuss math concepts as it applies to their major. The mission statement of the club is to promote the enjoyment of mathematics through creative exploration and outreach to the community.
The club is also involved in the American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges mathematics league. Through the AMATYC they take a test once a semester and compete against other two year colleges across the country. Professor Ken Takvorian helps facilitate the test.
As with any club, there needs to be a faculty member to oversee it. Eliza Miller has taken on that responsibility for the math club. Professor Miller has been teaching at MWCC for 6 years teaching just about every class offered in the math department. Professor Miller has previous experience as she was the in her high school math club for 5 years, serving as president and treasurer.
When asked her about why she wanted to be the advisor, she said it was “good to be involved with students outside the class setting” and that she had a lot of ideas such as “different speakers, museums to go to, and various types of math to be offered.”
There are two service learning projects that are mandatory. The club is involved in a mentoring program with Athol High School and helps out at the Boys/Girls club of Leominster/Fitchburg with the science fair that they hold every April.
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