By the Editorial Staff

Source: 15 Dec 2016
Over the past 100 days, since President Trump took office, it seems as though nothing good has been accomplished for the American people, foreigners, and the environment.
During his campaign, Trump promised he was going to build a border wall between the United States and Mexico, repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, create jobs and tax cuts. He made it seem like he was going to take care of all these issues within the first 100 days of his presidency, and then vacation the next 1,360 days, in hopes the country would run itself. In an interview with Reuters, Trump said, “I thought it would be easier.”
There are over 300 million people in the United States. What made him think governing one of the most populated countries in the world was going to be easy? What made him think keeping foreign relationships civil was going to be easy? What made him think creating a budget for the country was going to be easy?
A country cannot be run like a business. The tax plans set into motion will not affect just our economy, but the world economy. Cutting the funding for the EPA is going to affect the places we live in.
There have been arguments over the replacement of the Affordable Care Act, an increase on lumber coming from Canada, funding cuts to everything except defense, a travel ban President Trump refuses to say is a Muslim Ban, and endless, unnecessary Twitter rants.
Everything done is just going to benefit the wealthy, something Trump supporters thought he would not do. His Cabinet is filled with people who are from businesses. His Secretary of State is the CEO of ExxonMobile and his Secretary of the Treasury is a former bank manager, neither who have any kind of government experience. They are not politicians, which could be seen as good. People might think they could represent them, but they are wealthy business men. They do not care about the little guy. They care about filling their wallets until they bust apart.
In an article from the Washington Post, written by E.J. Dionne Jr., he said, “None of the economic executive orders he has issued has strengthened the hand of workers or consumers. Instead, they are aimed at getting rid of rules that corporations would prefer not to live by.”
The people in Trump’s administration only care about themselves, specifically making their wallets and bank account fatter. President Trump just wants his friends to be happy, while he hopes to remain popular with his supporters, who think he is there to help them.
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