How to Accept the Election
By Jamie Parker | News Editor

Photo courtesy of Michael Vadon
Our country is going through a major shift right now. The results of Tuesday’s election have left about half of the country with a feeling of defeat, and even fear, while the other half is left with the feeling of exuberance. Regardless of your feelings towards the decision made, this is the reality. On January 20th 2017, Donald J. Trump will become the 45th President of The United States of America. This is the most important time for our country to come together and show the world that we ARE the “United” States of America.

Photo courtesy of Lorie Shaull
For those who “lost:” I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you are feeling these things. But like I said earlier, this is reality. No one is telling you to stop believing or fighting for what you believe in. If anything, this should spark your drive to continue doing just that. However, rioting, and protesting are not the answers right now. Burning the flag of your country isn’t making the statement you want it to. Now is the time for you to spread more love than you ever have before. It is crucial that you don’t let this defeat you. Not every single Donald Trump supporter, supports his nastiness. Like a good majority of you, they voted for the candidate that in their eyes was the better of a bad situation. The only real difference between the two of you is that their candidate won. So go out and shake their hands, for they are just as much a part of this country as you are. The pain of defeat will subside and a new day will always be on the horizon. This is your country and – after January 20th – he is your President, regardless of what you chant in the streets. So work to spread the message of love, and peace. That is the only way you can expect to receive it back.
For those who “won:” First, I’d like to congratulate you on a hard-fought for win for your candidate. I know Donald Trump supporters range from “he’s the lesser of two evils” supporter all the way up to the full blown “Make America Great Again!” supporter, but you are all breathing a sigh of relief. Now that your candidate has won, what are you going to do next?! Here’s what you are going to do. You need to open your arms to those in this country who are afraid. These people are experiencing something right now that you aren’t, in an election like none before it. I understand that you are happy right now, and that is absolutely fine, and completely acceptable! But you need to understand is that the other half of the country needs reassurance from you that you will not spread the hate that they fear, to the rest of the country. Mocking the people who lost this election shows a very ugly side of individuals that are kind, loving, and good people. So instead of shoving your victory in the face of those who aren’t in the same state of mind as you, how about sit down with them and have a conversation. Talk about how we as a nation are going to move forward, and how we will overcome hate.
For Everyone: As I’ve been saying, it is time to come together. This is The United States of America. We will get through this, but we have to do it together. Do not let them divide us further. Regardless of who you voted for, this will be an interesting four years for us. I truly hope Donald Trump does what is best for our country, and all of its people. I hope that in four years, all those who were doubtful – like myself – can sigh in relief knowing that our country is in a better place. I hope all of those who voted for Donald Trump were right, and that he does a great job at making The United States of America great.
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