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(Archive February 2017) WOMEN’S MARCH

By Michael R Young | Observer Contributor

I do not have a womb or breasts.

I am a man and I care.

I could not bear or nourish a child.

I am a man and I care.

I was refused to be a midwife because

I am a man, yet I care.

I was born of a woman and

I care.

I have family – 

a wife, a sister,

daughters and grand daughters –

all women and 

I care.

For those of color –

black and tan, red and white –

I care.

For those of transgender, trans sexuality,

I care.

For immigrants, Latinos, Syrian refugees,

legal and illegal aliens,

I care.

For those of All faiths –

Christian, Muslim, Jew

Hindu, Buddhist – and none,

I care.

For those with or without jobs,

with or without homes,

I care.

For the sick and the poor

I care.

For those who are powerful

and those powerless

I care.

I am a man with a heart, and

I care.

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