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(Archive December 2016) Our Voice with the MWCC Trustees

By Kelly Cacciolfi | Observer Contributor

Jasson Alvarado Gomez said, “I want to help all human beings and make a difference in education.” 

Originally from Honduras and moving to the United States at age 15, Gomez understands what it’s like to want an education and having to work hard to get it and said, “We are the ones that have to make a difference in the world.” To have his voice heard and make a difference, he decided to apply for the Student Trustee and the Board of Education in the same month.

Once elected as Student Trustee and selected to be a member on the Board of Education, Gomez found out how much work and dedication he would be putting into these positions. As Student Trustee, he meets with the Board of Trustees monthly or bimonthly depending on business to discuss. 

Gomez speaks for the students and wants them to come to him with all concerns. He said, “I want to have people know me for me and not just as my title.” One example he gave was the water being removed from the cafeteria. 

He and many others missed the convenience of having it located there and would have to go way out of the way to get water. Gomez said, “I brought the issue to the right people and it was brought back, bring your water bottles to fill up in the cafe again.” 

His next mission is snow days; Gomez feels the safety of the community is at risk by having to drive to school when the weather is bad. He will be tackling this issue and would like to hear from students about how MWCC could do better with their policy. 

Gomez said, “Education is not the way to succeed but is the key to success.” He added, “We need to teach our children to be respectful, nice, do for others, and to not be selfish.” It starts with education and how children are raised at home. 

Gomez, 20, is a sophomore majoring in video and film. He will graduate in May 2017 and is going to apply to Emerson to earn his Bachelor degree in Video. His dream is to make a movie, help people, and change the planet. Gomez said, “No excuses, we are so lucky to be in this country. Get out and help other human beings.”

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