By Jason D. Greenough | Observer Contributor

Have you ever had an idea that you thought would be great, but then never built onto it because you second guessed yourself? Did something ever cross your mind, and you got excited about it, but feared that some people might look at it like a joke, so you passed up the opportunity? Well, I have a story about how going through with that one really strange idea can really turn out to be an awesome experience.
I love going to concerts. Metal and punk shows, mostly. The atmosphere is wonderful, and especially when there are lesser known bands on the bill, it makes it even more interesting, because I get to hear some new music that I usually wind up liking later on. Every band has something to offer, and when those opening acts blow the roof the place, which they often times do, I sometimes feel a sense of connection to the band, and it’s mainly due to the fact that I could be on that same stage if I just worked out a single idea longer than a week or so. I know I could be, but I second guess myself too much. I always have that feeling of connection, but it really hit me hard when I went to see Mac Sabbath at the Worcester Palladium on March 25th.
Opening up for the McDonalds-themed Black Sabbath tribute band was Metalachi, a mariachi that twisted hit metal songs in to head-banging fiesta scores, and Okilly Dokilly, a metal band that devotes its lyrics and facial hair to the iconic Simpsons character, Ned Flanders. Metalachi was great because, let’s be honest we all want to hear Slayer’s “Raining Blood” played on a Guitarron, but Okilly Dokilly absolutely crushed it. They played the stage with what I initially looked at as a gimmick for a band that couldn’t carry their own weight, musically. But much to my surprise, donned in Green sweaters and Pink polo shirts, this 5-piece metal outfit from Phoenix had the crowd wrapped around their fingers with their musical excellence. They were on stage close to an hour, and never once hit the “chill” button. With searing guitar solos, heavy bass, and “screamo” vocal chops that could rival any metal band out today. These guys were great! The songs weren’t about sacrificing children or burning down churches. They were songs about white wine spritzers and how left-handed people are the best, and donuts. Yet somehow, metal heads moshed and created circle pits for these guys. I’ve never seen anything like it, and I was glad that I was proven wrong (Which is incredibly difficult for a stubborn Taurus to admit), but it got me thinking…
At what point in life did these guys discuss starting a band centered on Ned Flanders?
Was it part of “the dream” growing up? Were five guys just sitting around the TV one night, watching re-runs of The Simpsons when this really weird idea entered into the equation? How did they know it was going to turn into a cult following that has carried them all over the country?
Chances are they didn’t. Maybe they just thought of it, went for it, and got lucky on the return. Luck probably played a good role in their rise in popularity, but the key phrase in this is “went for it.” Head Ned, Bled Ned, Stead Ned, Red Ned, and Thread Ned had to felt at one point that it was strange to do this, but they still went out and played, and now they are on a national tour, with more dates already booked for the summer. They created something unique, something that is straight from them, and now it’s something that no one else can touch. They’ve cornered the market on Ned Flanders-themed metal bands, and their confidence on stage, and their humility off the stage, shows that they know that. By the looks of it, I’d say that they aren’t honing it in or taking this for granted. They are doing this because they love to do it. This was their baby, their brainchild, and they went through with.
What I’m saying here, Observerinos, is that you can’t give up on what you want to do in life, just because you might think someone else might not think it’s groovy. Want to open a bakery centered on non-traditional pastry flavors? Go for it! Make that tuna-flavored cupcake! Want to build a recording studio to specialize in producing animal noises? Take a quack at it! Nothing is holding you baaaaaaa-ck! Want to write a screenplay where the main plot is from the perspective of a sock that has lost its match? …I have no puns for that one, but definitely do it if you feel compelled!
Never give up on what makes you, well, you. Your mind works in a different way than everyone else’s for a reason – to introduce new ideas, fresh perspectives, and to allow you to put your stamp on history. So do it. Okilly Dokilly, friend? Okilly Dokilly!
Chase it. Live it. Nurture your creativity and drive! Goodspeed Little Doodle!
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