Theatre at the Mount, presents the greatest hits of the 1960’s! Beehive: the 60’s Musical celebrates the hottest women singers and girl groups of the 1960’s including Tina Turner, Aretha Franklin, the Chiffons, Connie Francis, Cher, Dusty Springfiled, Annette Funicello, Grace
Slick, Janis Joplin and many more. Beehive stars Laurie Marcinkewicz, MelissaGates, Shani Farrell, Cindy Holt, KatharineTaylor, Alyson Foisy and Chelsea Young. Audience members will even getto sing along to “The Name Game.” Performances of Beehive are October 7,8, 14, 15 at 8PM and October 16 at 2PM.For tickets call the Theatre at the MountBox Office at 978 632-2403 or purchasetickets online at http://theatre.mwcc.edu.
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