By Benjamin Allen | Observer Contributor

Photo by Matthew Cohen
Business students at Mount MWCC can save money on their bachelor’s degrees by enrolling in a program called the A to B and Beyond with Nichols College. Nora LuQuer, the liaison between Nichols College and MWCC, said, “in today’s turbulent economic climate, the A to B program provides a clear pathway to an associate’s/bachelor’s degree with three-quarters of the costs…’”
LuQuer said participants can complete their first three years at MWCC and finish their senior year in Nichols’ evening and online programs. Courses are offered by Nichols’ professors at the MWCC Devens campus, Quinsigamond Community College, and Nichols College. Students also have the option of full day classes and living on campus. Sixty-nine students are currently enrolled in the program and eleven students have already graduated.
To increase flexibility in the program, Nichols College offers fourth year classes completely online. LuQuer said this makes the program attractive to students who work full time or have families and need to stay within their community while pursuing their education.
Third year costs are the same as the first two years and the fourth year of classes can be completed for $8,250. This is considerably less than most four year bachelor degree programs on the national ranking of college prices. In addition to the low costs of this program, Nichols College also offers financial aid to all students in the program.
Another aspect to this program is the “beyond” description. Nichols College has a continuing education path which allows students to enter into its graduate program upon completion of the four year degree. This program can also be completed 100% online.
For students interested in other programs like this one, MWCC offers other 3+1 programs with Bellevue University, Charter Oak State College, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Mount Ida College, Regis College, and Saint Joseph’s College. For more information about these programs, contact Rivera Limari, Transfer and Academic Counselor, in the advising center.
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