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(Archive May 2016) Starting a New Chapter

By Daniel M. Asquino | MWCC President

President Daniel M. Asquino

Congratulations to the Class of 2016! Through your hard work and determination, you have reached a major milestone. Whether you plan to continue your academic studies toward a bachelor’s degree or go directly into the workforce – or both – the days and months ahead open a new chapter in your lives. Make it a page-turner!

Over the past three decades as president of this college, I have seen thousands of students not only reach their goals, but far exceed them by being willing – in the words of 13th century German philosopher Meister Eckhart – “to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”

Moving forward does not mean leaving behind the important lessons and people you have encountered along your journey. As you prepare to dive into your next chapter, I encourage you to carry with you the friendships and memories you made while a student at MWCC. Time passes quickly and it is all too easy to lose contact with the people that you connected with and socialized with in class, during grueling study sessions and at campus events.

Do your best to stay in touch with your friends, the MWCC Alumni Network, and also with the professors and staff members who inspired you. It truly is a proud and joyous occasion to receive a call or email out of the blue from a former student providing details about the successes and experiences they have encountered since graduating from the college.

While at MWCC, you’ve received a solid education that will serve you well in the future. Many of you have devoted countless hours on service learning projects and by volunteering for various programs, events and initiatives here on the campus and in the greater community. Through your efforts, the college continues to receive national and statewide recognition for its civic engagement focus. However, of much greater value, is the tremendous difference your efforts have made in our community and in the lives of others.

It is my hope that volunteerism will remain a significant component in your lives. Through acts of giving, both large and small, you all have the opportunity to be change agents.
As you celebrate your much-deserved accomplishments, know that all of us at Mount Wachusett Community College are proud to have been included in the pages of your book, and we wish you success in each chapter along the way.

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