Stop , Halt, Cease and Desist – An American Decision
By Andrew Hoenig | Assistant Editor

Courtesy photo / Cassandra Marino
MWCC – Donald Trump is a current presidential candidate who does not mince words. His recent public outcries of halting Muslims from coming into America have been heard loud and clear by the general public.
A recent campaign press release says that “Trump is calling for a cease of all Muslims entering the U.S. until representatives can figure out what is going on.”
The recent activities of violence in the Eastern Hemisphere have some people wondering if maybe that is exactly what should be done. It seems now that one solution that has come forth from Trump’s comments is the possibility of having a religious test done to enter the U.S.
In a recent survey done on campus, students who participated seemed to agree. A majority responded with a similar response; that is that you don’t really know how these Muslims are going to behave, or what their attitude will be.
One current student enrolled in her second semester at the Mount, Makaylah Howard, specifically said, “There should be some kind of halt right now towards Muslims until we can get an identification process in place that is fool proof and that will actually be able to separate terrorists from non-terrorists.”
Now it’s certainly a hard subject to discuss as the students who participated pointed out. It’s like racism. You can’t discriminate against a whole group just because of the actions of one or a few.
But this has become such a pressing issue because a few have decided to take action in the form of killing. Terrorist attacks in the East have become more prevalent, taking place on larger stages like the most recent attacks in France and Germany.
Most have assumed that Muslims are the majority group of these terrorists and so because of this it makes the issue harder to debate and also even harder to find a solid conclusion about what to do.
Fear drives humanity to do things outside of the norm so that they may return to that norm or comfort state. However when fear conflicts with morality then the issue becomes murkier and a solution is unclear.
Howard also said, “It’s tough because there should be zero terrorists in our country right now. They are even faking passports.”
Placing a ban on Muslims could put a very sudden halt to terrorist activity in our U.S. borders, but there could be other consequences that come with it, like the potential rage of Muslims who are trying to get away from the terrorists themselves. It’s a big decision to stop everyone from coming in.
One can do nothing and allow Muslims and other immigrants to keep coming into the country running the potential risk of homegrown terrorist attacks. One can ban all Muslims but run the risk of potential outcry of unfair treatment and discrimination from the masses both outside and inside America.
In a recent statement made by Trump, he said, “Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine.”
It’s fear and concern versus having an unclear conscience and lack of morality.
Points can be made for Trump’s call to action, but points can also be made against it. Conflicting reports say that Muslims are NOT responsible for most terrorist attacks while others say otherwise.
One thing is for sure though. The end result of how this crisis will be handled is clearly up to the American people. The next Presidential election is coming up in November of this year and America has to decide, in turn deciding how this current dilemma is going to be dealt with.
America is a democracy that has to make tough choices. These choices keep the country intact so that it can remain one of the world’s top leaders.
Once again America is faced with a tough choice on what to do next regarding Muslims. The answer is not clear cut and it may even come down to what people look at as being right from wrong. Stop… and think long and hard before deciding because the cease and desist of Muslim immigration into America is a decision that may not only alter how we look at Muslims, but also how they and others view us. Decisions, decisions.
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