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(Archive December 2011) Café Selling Pudding for Heifer Project

By Jillian Richard | Observer Contributor

Last year the Green Street Café participated in the Heifer Project to raise money for their fundraiser so less fortunate people would have access to food such ass cows, chickens, and sheep. They raised just about $1,000 last year and although they are falling short so far this year, it doesn’t stop them from trying.

Tracee Bergeron is the cafeteria supervisor and has worked here at the MWCC campus over a year now. “We support the Heifer Project because of the cause. The food is more than just local, it’s international.” She can see the impact that the choices the school has made as far as where they buy their food. “People are eating more fruits and making their own salads.”

Sid Weiner & Son have an extensive background in the business in dealing with food and the food here at the school shows how much they really care. With fresh fruits and vegetables as well as organic drinks and even snacks offer a wide variety of essential food that young adults need when they got to school.

Lynne Francoise is the Dining Service Manager at the Mount and she is responsible for the actions that are being taken to make these changes. She supports the Heifer Project and Sid Weiner & Son and has no doubt that her impact will prove that the world has more to offer than just money. Regardless of the season, the school is doing whatever it takes to get the food that is most fresh and available and is at the highest consumer demand, especially considering winter is here, says Francoise.

Philip Gentry is a student here at MWCC and he thinks the food here is great. “It’s a lot better than the food they serve in high school. I like the pizza here. It’s better than Domino’s Pizza and doesn’t give me heartburn. The breakfast is awesome too. Compared to breakfast diners I have eaten at the Mount has excellent omelets with all kinds of fresh veggies and cheese you can put on them.”

When asked about the Heifer Project and what is being done for America as well as the world he said he hasn’t donated much except change when he has it but he likes the idea of this food project.

As of December 1st 2011 the Heifer Project has accumulated about $485, not as much as last year or as much as they wanted. To help speed this process the café has offered an incentive to everyone that will donate, they are selling Oreo Pudding cups and a .50 cent donation is made to the project for every purchase of an Oreo Pudding cup.

They will also be giving away candy canes for every .50 cent or more donations that is made for the month of December. Tracee expressed that she just wants the students to see how important this project is and how agriculture impacts the world like it does.

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