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(Archive November 2007) Colleges Set Campus Visits

Mount Holyoke, Smith, and Amherst Colleg­es will be on campus on Tuesday, November 6, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the MWCC Board Room.

Mt. Holyoke and Smith are all-women’s colleges, and they each have a successful program in place for female students 24 years of age and over who dem­onstrate exceptional academic ability. Several of MWCC quali­fying students have transferred to Mt. Holyoke College and have received services and sup­port from the Frances Perkins Program. Likewise, students have transferred to Smith Col­lege and have been able to take advantage of the Ada Comstock Program specially designed for this population.

This is the first time an Am­herst College admissions rep­resentative will be joining Mt. Holyoke and Smith in this an­nual event. Amherst is recruit­ing male and female tradition­al-aged disadvantaged students (different races, classes, and ethnic groups) of intellectual promise who have demonstrat­ed qualities of mind and char­acter (minimum GPA of 3.2). All applicants to Amherst Col­lege must be capable of enroll­ing as full-time students while at Amherst.

All three colleges are in a position to offer generous fi­nancial aid packages to MWCC students who are accepted into their programs. Pre-registration is required for students wish­ing to attend the information session. Call Dawn Fontaine in the Advising & Counseling Center at 978.630.9568 to re­serve a spot. (Visions students can contact Tammy Tebo, room 143, at 978.630.9316).

For more information, visit the websites of these three col­leges: Mount Holyoke; Smith College; and Amherst College

Becker College – Becker College transfer representative Kate Henry-Schill will be on campus to meet with students on Monday, November 14 from 10 a.m.– 2 p.m. at the Transfer Services Table.*

Fitchburg State College – Fitch­burg State College transfer rep­resentative Shanni Smith will be on campus meeting with stu­dents on Wednesday, Novem­ber 14 from 9:30 a.m.– 2 pm. You must pre-register in the Advising & Counseling Cen­ter, room 134, 978.630.9568. Visions students can register with Tammy Tebo, room 143, 978.630.9316.

Salem State College – Salem State College transfer repre­sentative Avril Hevey-Doucette will be on campus to meet with students on Monday, Novem­ber 19 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Transfer Services Table.*

UMASS Lowell – UMASS Lowell transfer representative Deb Smith will be on campus to meet with students on Mon­day, November 26 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Transfer Servic­es Table.

*Becker College – Becker Col­lege transfer representative Kate Henry-Schill will be on campus to meet with students on Monday, December 3 from 10 a.m.– 2 p.m. at the Transfer Services Table.*

UMASS Lowell – UMASS Lowell transfer representative Gerry Durkin will be on cam­pus to meet with students on Tuesday, December 4 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Transfer Services Table.*

Fitchburg State College – Fitch­burg State College transfer rep­resentative Shanni Smith will be on campus meeting with stu­dents on Wednesday, December 5 from 9:30 a.m.– 2 p.m. You must pre-register in the Advis­ing & Counseling Center, room 134, 978.630.9568. Visions stu­dents can register with Tammy Tebo, room 143, 978.630.9316.

*Transfer Services Table locat­ed in the hallway leading to the cafeteria

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