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(Archive February 1, 2011) Winter Safe Driving Tips

Submitted by the Campus Police Department

As the winter approaches we have to start thinking about driving in the inclement weather. Now is the time to winterize your motor vehicle. Check fluid levels, brakes, wiper blades, windshield washer fluid, snow tires, defroster, battery, etc… Stock your motor vehicle with the basic winter driving equipment: A scraper/brush, shovel, jumper cables/ box, tow chain, bag of sand/cat litter for tire traction, road flares/reflectors, a blanket, heavy boots, warm clothing, and a flashlight with batteries.

Now that you have your supplies it is time to think about safe driving out on the roadways. Always clear snow and ice from all windows and lights before you leave. After clearing the snow and ice from your motor vehicle it is time to pay attention while driving in inclement weather. Use your brakes carefully, brake early because it takes more time and distance to stop in adverse conditions. Remember bridges freeze first, the surface on a bridge can be worse than the roadways. Remember the posted speed limits are for dry pavement so you might have to drive slower during bad weather.

Another important thing to remember is do not get overconfident if you have a 4×4 motor vehicle. These motor vehicles may help you get going quicker but they do not help you stop any quicker. These vehicles tend to be heavier and may take longer to stop.

When it comes to winter driving be careful, stay alert, and slow down. Always wear your seatbelt and never drink and drive.

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