By William A. Lefrancois | Observer Contributor
Four months have come and gone; the new year marches ahead.
May arrives with flowery blooms; in verdant splendor it is met.
As the sun rises higher and brighter; no longer the cold to dread.
Spirits soar with the daylight; suddenly surreal surroundings set.
In each person hope rises; sorry frowns turn to happy smiles.
Friendships blossom as the buds bloom; anger and malice take a holiday.
Driving along country roads brings joy; dazzling colors light the miles!
Fear and dread lessen; weary wonder’s witnessing way.
In colleges near and far; the procession of diplomas soon to start.
Final exams and projects to do; a flurry of anticipation in the air.
Students and teachers share this time; each hoping in their heart.
To join in a sea of caps and gowns; fantastic fulfillment famously fair.
With degree in hand life changes; an ocean of hopes and dreams.
Proud families encourage the graduate; smiles beam from ear to ear.
Faith fulfilled at last; anticipation rewarded as life swells at the seams.
A rewarding future in sight; never neglecting newsworthiness near.
Life and nature tune to the future; each blossom a certificate!
Cap and gown mimic leaf and flower; tremendous potential in every seed.
Student and teacher meet as one; working together ahead to get.
The College’s stony exterior grins; future fascinations fervently feed!
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