By William A. Lefrancois | Observer Contributor
In life, one their best tries to make the world better;
Using precious time, treasure and talent; each, to their own merits.
Olivia Newton-John, our Livvy, believed in this creed to the letter;
Her gifts of love, the world imaginatively, impulsively, instantly inherits.
In music’s theater, few could ever compare to her gift of song;
Each word lovingly crafted, every melody a sheer delight.
Grammy recognized, gold records achieved, the list is infinitely long;
Livvy spread love by measure; tunes with humble, hesitant, heartfelt height.
Livvy’s love was not solely for the stage, it touched the fragile ill;
Her fight with cancer well-known, her tireless work to light the way to hope.
Unfailing energy, valiant soul of dedication that would not be still;
Her soul poured into her mission, faith surmounting steep slippery slope.
Livvy’s light also shone on Gaia mother earth; her wish it to protect;
Trees to save, dolphins to rescue; nature’s Magic ally.
Using song and example, Suddenly the world made more perfect;
Livvy’s Physical essence, righteous resolute resounding rally.
Livvy at peace rests, having made the world a better, more caring place;
Even in her absence, the good work continues in other loving hands;
Her legacy future ensured, Livvy’s faith will win cancer’s hateful race.
Livvy’s love and light, a beacon to all loving, lasting, lusting lands.
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