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(Archive October 2019) Where Education Meets Vacation

Study abroad program offers educational experiences

By Rachel Williams | Observer Contributor

The new study abroad program gives students the opportunity to go on life changing adventures at an affordable cost.

Tracy Betts Sarefield, Study Abroad Staff Assistant, explained that the new program is incorporating abroad learning into average classes. Sarefield explained that if faculty members would like to take a trip abroad with their class they can.

For example, arts teachers could incorporate a trip to Italy inside their semester’s curriculum with their students to study the arts for a week in a new environment with different types of art.

Sarefield explained that any student needing a requirement that can be fulfilled with a study abroad class can take the class as long as they meet the minimum requirements. The student must have at least a 2.5 GPA and be in good academic standing. The cost of the class is the same as any other class; the extra fees will come from plane fair, housing, and meals while on the trip.

Heather Conn, Assistant Professor of Biology/Department Chair, Natural Science, is excited to incorporate the new study abroad program into her classroom. She has a few ideas in the works about where she would like to take her students.

She wants to take her environmental class to Central America to see oil companies or Costa Rica to see the thriving environment. She wants to take her geology class to Iceland or places in the U.S. to show them different rocks and volcanoes. Conn believes that studying abroad can have a positive impact on students.

Conn has participated in twelve different study abroad trips, both as a teacher and a student. While travelling abroad, Conn was able to learn more about her biology major and about different cultures.

“Go! Even if it’s out of your comfort zone, you will come back smarter and more understanding of the world around you,” Conn emphasized.

Conn stated that the more knowledgeable students are of different cultures the better life experiences they can have. Having the chance to see the world is something that Conn believes is important.

Natasha Austin, Liberal Arts major, spent the fall 2018 semester in England. She studied at Kingston University while also being able to travel during her free time.

Austin visited Paris, Scotland, Amsterdam and various locations in London. She ever spent some time with her relatives who live in London. She said that the experience was amazing and worth it.

Austin noted that the cost of her tuition, including room and board, was about $10,000. She mentioned some additional costs for things like personal travel and food outside of school, but overall the trip was fairly inexpensive.

“Just do it. Don’t think about it, just do it. You won’t get a chance like this again,” said Austin.

Austin graduated in May and hopes to travel more in the future.

For more information about Study Abroad:
Tracey Betts Sarefield
Office of Study Abroad

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