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(Archive March 2018) Phi Theta Kappa to Host Annual Character Breakfast

By Brianna Stevens | Editor-in-Chief

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is hosting a character breakfast on Saturday, April 7 from 8:30-11am. In the South Cafeteria of the Gardner Campus. This event has been hosted by PTK on campus for 4 years. According to PTK, it is “a breakfast filled with everyone’s favorite characters, from fairy tales, cartoons, and beyond. Family fun to enjoy. Proceeds will support hunger alleviation programs in North Central Massachusetts.”
Kaitlyn Fales, PTK secretary and one of the volunteer managers of the breakfast said, “Anyone can be involved. It’s not restricted to PTK members, anyone can volunteer.”
The club is looking for many volunteers from campus to help out with the breakfast. Fales said, “We need about 30-40 volunteers from wearing costumes, working the raffle, doing ticket sales, to serving the food.” There is a set up shift from 7am-8:30am, and clean up shift from 11:30-1pm that also needs volunteers.
Volunteers will be accepted up until the day of the event, but for costume wearers, volunteers need to be collected by March 26 and 27 to be fitted for their costume. Spaces for costume wearers will be limited or unavailable after that.
Costume wearers need to stay in character and entertain the kids, as well as help serve guests. Fales said, “People dressed up in costumes are the largest amount of volunteers we need…
We have different themes going on throughout the breakfast like Alice in Wonderland.”
Pre-sale tickets will be available around spring break and cost $7 for ages 12 and older, $5 ages 2-11, and children 1 and younger are free. Tickets purchased on the day of the event are $10 for ages 12 and older. According to Fales, “All proceeds will go to benefit local food pantries.”
To get involved, contact Kaitlyn Fales ( or Lisa Ferrara-Caron (, who are both Volunteer Managers for this event.

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